Thursday, December 31, 2015

Back in The Day

Cops and robbers, cowboys and Indians. Toy soldiers
and deathless wars. Putting frogs in her lunch box,
kindergarten delights. Recess and gram crackers.
blue horses and green skies-coloring books. Short
pants and cowboy boots. Big wheels and happy meals.
Innocence untarnished. Mud pies and summer skies,
my how time flies.                              IzzySchurr

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


For those of you who don't me, I'm not a republican and pride myself on the timeless quote;

"He's a nice guy until you talk about politics, religion or work."

Again, from the achieves of my "Dead Poems."
Liquid lunacy fills the goblet of greed and wets
  the lips of the unethical which bleeds across the
  world. World leaders are the  harbingers of havoc,
apprentices of apathy, creators of chaos, and
distributors of destruction.
Soul destroyers and mindless material builders.
Thrust into their lies and bred to consume.

I completely understand why many people  are in an uproar of the killing of the four Marines killed in Chattanooga, Tenn. in July.

Twenty-four-year-old Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez was shot and killed by police after his murders. The war in Afghanistan has officially hit home.

Years before this tragic event, Abdulazeez was an American citizen who was popular and well received in high school according to the article; "Chattanooga Shooter Changed After Mideast Visit, Friend Says," from the above website.

Maybe Abdulazeez personally saw and heard first hand what American news is trying so hard to cover up. Yes, the Middle Eastern government is just as evil as any government. One the Middle Eastern evils is the way men dominate women on that side of the sea. Some women get acid thrown in their face for acquiring an education.

Middle Eastern women also have their clitoris forcefully removed which is aptly named Female genital mutilation.
George Carlin said the primary reason for this is that women will be less likely to cheat on their husbands.

The U.S. government is just as evil in a different way.  Our government is motivated solely on money and power. Much like the mighty Roman empire back in the day, the U.S wants to be  world police to every country and have them channel their money into our pockets.  

British Petroleum and its employees have given more than $3.5 million to federal candidates over the past 20 years, with the largest chunk of their money going to President Obama.

The current Afghanistan War, or so gently called "Operation Enduring Freedom," is all about oil. It's a greedy war; "Operation Enduring Freedom" is a euphemism used to mask the realities of war.
While I most certainly don't condone the Abdulazeez killings of the four marines, I do understand his reasoning. It's war, remember. "Operation Enduring Freedom," what joke of name.

War; armed hostilities esp. between nations according to the Oxford dictionary.

Every nations leaders dupe its people into war by brainwashing them in the early years of grade school. When I was in grade school back in the early 70s, Russia was evil, now it's the Iraqis and North Koreans who are evil, or so our government says. Winston Churchill and our then president, FDR duped the American youth into World War II.  Do the research and not just listen or read what's on the main stream media.

All wars are about money for the few running the world, wake up people!

To see how evil the North Koreans are, just go to YouTube and type in; 5-year-old North Korean girl playing the guitar, and if your still comfortable with bombing and killing every last North Korean, than you'll love the fact that war is for ever.

"It's all bull shit folks," George Carlin said, and I agree.

U.S. drones are killing Middle Eastern children all the time, so yes, I understand Abdulazeez reasoning for his killing of the marines in Tennessee. War is about death and destruction and the making of big money for the one or five percent of the way too rich soulless who are ruling the world.

Imagine if a 176 U.S. children were killed in the blink of an eye by a missile strike on an elementary school by another country's leaders orders. Controlled  by Big Oil, President Obama  and his soulless comrades are doing this to Middle Eastern children on a regular basis, so yes, I get it, they (Middle Easterns) hate America.

Myself, like other dreamers of the world would love to see U.S. and Afghanistan soldiers, laughing together on the battle field and telling its world leaders to Fuck off! The same could be said for the others fighting in the worlds 50 or more wars. Yes, there are at least 50 wars currently happening, only there not called wars, there called "Conflict in the Congo," or "Operation Inherent Resolve," the lame name for the war against ISIS. For every U.S. drone strike, our country is creating more enemies for itself. 

The Bright Side of Time


 Riding on the bright side of time while their confident smiles 
and eyes pierce understanding & reflect the undistorted truth. 
Innocence filters hatred into compassion & gloom becomes blithe 
rapturous laughter.                                                                   Izzy Schurr

Donald Trump, A Colossal Clown

"I don't believe anything the government tells me," George Carlin said.

It's a sad state of affairs when a meat-head such as Donald Trump has a legitimate shot at being the next leader of the U.S.

Comedy is a huge part of American media, and those in the spot light, such as presidential candidates are a natural target for comedians across the globe. Not too long ago, Trump displayed his ignorance by having his lawyer send comedian Bill Maher official documents proving both his parents where indeed humans. Apparently Trump does not know it's scientifically impossible for humans to breed with animals and vis-a-vis. A while back, Maher  joked that Trump was the son of an orange haired ape.

Trump initially sued Maher for 5 million dollars because of Maher's ape joke, and has since ceased with the ludicrous lawsuit, but to even sue in the first place illustrates his madness.

Trump caters to the brain-washed souls of the might makes right attitude. Trump, if he becomes our next president said he'd build-up the U.S. military and bomb the S*** out of Isis.

From June of 2004 to June of  this year, the U.S. has dropped more than 550 bombs in the Middle East to combat quote, unquote terrorists. (Isis) I'd say, our military is already bombing the heck out of Isis. Incidentally these bombs have killed more than 1,060 Middle Eastern civilians, and that's just what is told to us, yet some still wonder why the U.S. is not loved by everyone.

Build up the U.S military? How much more enhancing does the American military need? Our government by far is the leading spender on its armed forces. As of  January of last year, the U.S. spent close to what the entire rest of the world spent on its defense. The U.S. currently spends more than $710 billion a year for its military. The next closest is China at $143 billion per year.

If Trump becomes our next Commander in Chief, he also wants to rid this county of all Muslims. If this does happen, then we need to get rid of all the white policemen in the U.S. for the unlawful killing of blacks and Latinos, oh, I regress, Trump is a white racists, so this is OK for him.

Fact; it's more likely for an American to be crushed by an unstable TV or other piece of furniture than it is to be killed by an Islamic extremest. A November Washington Post article confirms this fact.

Trump is playing the fear factor card, which unfortunately works. It worked great for the Roman Empire for much too long. Unfortunately Julius Caesar is still revered even though he was a mass murder and serial rapist. Read real books and research real news folks. Caesar was called a conqueror, which leaders are named for committing genocide, and Caesar also had several sex slaves, how nice for a world leader. I think it's fantastic the way Caesar was assassinated, stabbed several times in the groin, a deserving death for that evil F%$#!

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Emotionally Void

Every once in a while, maybe three or four times every five or six years, give or take, I feel exactly how I do now; absolutely nothing.

No will or desire to laugh or cry. Even wanton thoughts of the many gorgeous women in pleasantly revealing clothing at my job produce no desirable or lascivious thoughts, even the women who smile and acknowledge me, spark no interest what so ever. The same feelings go for men in case you're wondering. When your a head case loner, many people assume your gay, no, I'm just an innocuous lunatic, a sole entity.

My looks and income will never allow me to have a woman I desire, but right now, it's awesome, because I feel absolutely nothing. This void of love, lust and laughter is incredibly awesome.

If I was completely alone on an island with Wi-Fi, abundant with food, water, a sea boat and an airport to get to civilization when I needed it for the acquisition of past and present books and movies, I'd be extremely content.

If it weren't for bills, I'd do absolutely nothing and blog forever.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

OK Day For NFL Football & Life in General

I slept through most of the game between the Detroit Lions and Philadelphia Eagles, as did the second game of yesterday's triple header, the Dallas Cowboys vs. the Carolina  Panthers, a victim of working a 12 hour grave yard shift.I did witness two of the five touchdown passes Lions quarterback Matthew Stafford hurled yesterday, glad I wasn't going against him in my fantasy league.

My fantasy defense, the Carolina Panthers 'd' netted my Bumba Blitz 21 points and America's team has lost Tony Romo again as the 3-8 Cowboys got shellacked 33-14 by the 11-0 Panthers. I missed the half time show of the Cowboys Panthers game, but unfortunately I was awake for the Lions halftime show.

I lost all faith in today's music as I watched Big 'lip-synch'  Sean sing worse then a cigar smoking 90-year-old with laryngitis. Why does he lip synch, when the synching is also horrible? His song "One Man Can Change the World," would be more aptly titled, "One Man Can Ruin Music as We Know It."

The half time show in the last of the three games yesterday, the Green Bay Packers vs. the Chicago Bears was a class act. Hall of famer since July 18, Brett Favre gave a speech and Green Bay's other hall of fame QB Bart Starr, whose health is an issue, made an emotional appearance. I learned a cool NFL fact yesterday; Favre is the first Packer to be inducted in the NFL Hall of Fame and have his jersey number (4) retired in the same year.

The 17-13 win by the Bears thwarted Favre day, but the Packers are still in first place in their division unless the Minnesota Vikings win their game against the Atlanta Falcons on Sunday. I'm disappointed Aaron Rodgers, my fantasy QB netted me only 13.38 points, but I did enjoy a hearty Thanksgiving meal, courtesy of my work yesterday.

Rumpus time is indeed over, the third of four consecutive 12 hour shifts will commence again tonight.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Last Episode This Year of "Real Time With Bill Maher" Was for Open Minds

For everyone who blindly believes the governments words, maybe relishes in the death of children and other innocents or supports war, Friday's episode of "Real Time With Bill Maher" was ludicrous, but for those who aspire to acquire wisdom, perpetually question injustice, lies and seek sheer truth, Friday's show was fantastic.

The most recent Paris tragedy was indeed a harsh dose of modern day war, which displays the primitive violence of humankind which will never grow up until mother nature pulverizes the entire human (dis) 'g' race.

Too many people, and not just Americans believe all Syrians are evil and have the Donald Trump heartless and racist attitude toward Middle Eastern people;

'Nuke their ass and take their gas.'

The Paris attack and the U.S. soldiers killed on their military base this year stems from two things, money and oil.

Maher pointed out that the U.S. is bombing ISIS, the Middle East 60 times a day, 28,000 times thus far and counting. The U.S. military claims no Middle Eastern Civilians have been killed by any of these bombs. If you believe that, just research the U.S. bombings in Yemen.

"Are We Dropping Enough Bombs on Isis," a July article by Micah Zenko on the web site, has claims that in recent times, a 162 Middle Eastern Civilians, 51 of which were children and 35 of them women have been killed by U.S. bombings. Do some research folks, every time our government bombs the Middle East, we create more enemies for ourselves.

Maher also illustrated the fact that not all Muslims are bad people as the government wants us to believe. Muslims living across the seas experience terrorism  everyday. The Middle Eastern government is completely whacked; married Middle Eastern women get beaten by their husbands and these men have 100 percent impunity, maids are raped, Muslims artist and bloggers who are free thinkers are killed, tortured or imprisoned for simply expressing their individually, again their persecutors receive full impunity.

Canada is allowing 25,000 Syrian refugees into their country this year alone, and Germany is also welcoming Syrian refugees Chrystal Freeland, a Canadian writer and journalist said. More than two million of these refugee's are children. 

The U.S. is a great place to live, and for its government to deprive repressed people across the globe this opportunity to be artists and women not to be beaten legally by their husband's is simple not a peaceful plan.

Maher said former President Jimmy Carter is the only U.S. President to not fire at another country. Carter, whose dying of cancer said he hopes before he dies that the last Guinea worm perishes before he does. In the 1970s, 3.5 million Africans where dying a year from the Guinea worm which dwells in water. Carter and his administration implemented a water filtration system for Africans, and currently a 126 Africans die from the Guinea worm annually.    

I understand why Carter is a hero to Maher, more world leaders need to help others in need as opposed to bombing them. Another thing Friday's show made clear; the current U.S. presidential election is a reality TV show. American politicians don't have to make sense, they just have to look like their making sense.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

World War Forever...

World powers such as the U.S. and Russia bombing the Middle East and killing way too many civilians has created a war that will never end.

While very tragic, the more than a 125 people killed on Friday in France is a true testament of modern day war. In 1914, the war to end all wars, World War I began. Currently there are more than 50 wars going on across the globe as stated in the 2011 book "Deadly Indifference" by Michael D. Brown and Ted Schwarz. 

War is not called war anymore, but non the less, it's war. The Vietnam War is still known as the Conflict in Vietnam, a conflict in which more than 55,000 U.S. soldiers were killed; average age being 19-years-old. The so called Vietnam conflict also begot the death of more than two million Vietnamese citizens, many of whom were Innocent women and children.

The current war the U.S. is involved in, the War in Afghanistan, aka 'Operation Enduring Freedom' has caused the death of more than 2,300 American soldiers, non of which are the sons or daughters of political leaders I'm willing to bet. 

World leaders seem to take a sadistic pleasure in sending other peoples children to die, yet everyday people buy into the balderdash of war, because they (we) blindly follow the lies of the government. 


Liquid lunacy fills the goblet of greed and wets
the lips of the unethical which bleeds across the
world. Harbingers of havoc, apprentices of apathy,
creators of chaos, and distributors of destruction.
Soul destroyers and mindless material builders.
Thrust into there lies and bred to consume.
                                                            Izzy Schurr

Today's war is uncharted and much more scary then ever imaginable. The drone strikes that kill children in the Middle East create more and more enemies for the U.S. and other world powers on the planet. 

Friday's attack in France which killed more than a 125 civilians is just a terrible taste of modern day war. ISIS is an enemy created via the countless bombings by the U.S., Russia and other world powers of this still primitive world.     

ISIS and its members and believers are invisible until they strike, just like the U.S. and Russian drones that bomb and kill women and children across the seas.  

No, I don't condone ISIS and what it represents, nor do I condone the U.S. war politics, there both evil things in my mind. 

Sadly everything is about money and power and the men who hold high places are the rich and fortunate ones, and they care nothing, absolutely nothing about the poor and middle class, if you believe other wise, your blind to the facts. 

The killer who was killed himself before he murdered four marines in Chattanooga Tennessee this year was a small example of the forever war. 

To start a quest for world peace, all bombings must stop. "Nearly 90 Percent Of People Killed In Recent Drone Strikes Were Not The Target," an October Huffington Post article written by Marina Fang states.

Wake up people and be prepared for the worst, because so called smart bombs, aka drones don't just kill the enemy, it's common sense, a bomb cannot just explode and kill only its true enemies, all civilians, woman and children near, receive the harsh realities of modern day war.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Ronda Rousey Against Holly Holm; Worth the Hype?

Pay per view fights tend to be a joke, yet morons like myself occasionally purchase these fights, and yet some these bouts can still be worth the money.

The feature and title match between yesterdays UFC fight between Ronda Rousey and Holly Holm was not worth the $60.00 for the match, but it was still not a rip off. Rousey clearly got whooped in the fight, Knockout in the second of a three round fight, but it was a real fight, unlike the third fixed  heavy weight bout between Mark Hunt of the U.S. and the Brazilian, Bigfoot Silva, the Dutch diver (fighter).

The heavy weight fight between Silva and Hunt was a joke, Hollywood at it's worst. Hunt threw a punch that a thin glass jaw entity such as myself could have taken, and Silva went down like a high paid puppy. It was main event mafia style boxing that clearly illustrates the timeless and obvious fixes throughout the boxing world.

All major sports are fixed in my mind, but boxing is so blatant about it. Is every pro fighting, hockey, football, baseball and football match fixed? Certainly not, but the games that are, wow, just review the 2001 AFC playoff game between the Oakland Raiders and New England Patriots.

For sure, the Patriots are the only NFL team to lose a playoff game and win the Superbowl in the same year. The Pats got the win handed to them by the referees in 2001 by a made up balderdash tuck rule that is now obsolete, and the Raiders should have faced the over rated Pittsburgh Steelers in the AFC championship and not the Pats who went on to win it all. I'm regressing, yet telling it like it is, but none the less off track from topic.

Rousey was out matched in Saturday's fight. Holm was clearly the better and more educated fighter yesterday.

"Rousey is a brawler, Holm is a surgeon, a precise striker. She (Holm) has so many weapons and so many more options and we saw those options utilized tonight to perfection," one of the broadcasters said after the fight.

The second fight of the preliminaries  for the Rousey and Holm fight was a solid fun watch. I'm not a fan of the UFC for any particular reason, I just prefer what I was raised on, football, baseball and basketball. The men's middleweight fight between Jamaican born and now New Yorker, Uriah Hall and Australian Robert Whittaker was an entertaining brawl. Any fights with either of these two involved would be worth a watch for any sports fan. I'm very pleased I got to watch this fight, especially seeing how versatile and how Hall used his marital arts skills despite losing while going the distance.

With all said and done, I'd pay for the next Rousey fight. She's still 12-1.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Veterans Day, A Day That is Celebrated by Civilians and A Reminder to Me, I Could Be Retired or Maybe Dead by Now.

My job has black-out days, and Veterans Day is one those days you cannot take off, unless it's one of your normal two days off per week. Civilians benefit more from Veterans Day than veterans, but it's really no big deal, just interesting to me.

As a veteran I'm required to work on Veterans Day at my place of employment. With all said and done, I wish I'd stayed in the U.S. Army. In 20 years I could have retired. I could have been financially secure for life since 2003, with full medical and dental benefits, now I'm just another modern day pauper with a bleak financial future.

With all that said and done, life goes on, and laughter keeps me adrift as I perpetually shift through the sands of uncertainty. As much I despise war, military is very necessary. The number of weapons and troops nations posses is a bit much, but the military is a fantastic outlet right out of high school or college.

The military taught me how not to be a slob. I learned quickly from the Army, that no matter what you do during any given day, especially if it's your Saturday, whatever you do, get dressed and clean your dwelling place.

Sad indeed, more than 6,880 U.S. soldiers have been killed in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars since 2003.  Since the men who hold high places will never advocate for positive change, war is here to stay, tragic for the too many wounded and killed in the battles of war. Outside the combat zone, the military is a great place to start adulthood.  

DVD Sci-Fi Reviews of "Self / Less" & "Terminator Genisys"

"Self / Less", released Monday to the general public on DVD is a science fiction whirlwind into the realms of immortality and the love between man, woman and their children.

Ben Kingsley portrays Damian, a man dying of old age. His extreme wealth enables him to transform all his thoughts, memories and knowledge into the body of a healthy young man. (Ryan Reynolds) At first, this is a fantastic plan, youths teen age lascivious desires become reality, his cancer is gone and his body is several decades younger and stronger. The conflict arises when young Damian (Reynolds) learns of the unscrupulous details of where his young body came from and the life old Damian unintentionally stole from another man.

Old Damian while in the young body sets fourth to reunite the mans life he stole with his wife and very young daughter. The wife Madeline (Natalie Martinez), because of her young daughter is trying to fall back in love with her husband, but everything mentally is not him. The young daughter Anna, so adorably played by Jaynee-Lynne Kinchen knows nothing of this and just wants to have her family life back with her mom and dad.

Old Damian also wants to patch things up with his own daughter who is fully grown. Doing that is pretty difficult when she knows he's died, and approaching your own child, when your about their same age in a completely different body is indeed a tough sell. On top of all this, the underground company that gave Damian his new life wants to take it back and also erase the lives of Anna and her mom Madeline.

There is a lot going on in "Self / Less" and it works well. This movie illustrates what humans will do and sacrifice for true love; the true love shared between two lovers and the love of family. Three and a half stars easy.

"Terminator Genisys," the latest of the "Terminator" flicks hit the DVD shelves also on Monday.
For the record, I love the original 1984 "Terminator" movie, unlike "Terminator Genisys," the original movie  had a great story-line, and the special effects where fitting for the plot.

The new "Terminator Genisys" is a cartoonist suck fest that was not intense nor funny. The world can only be saved by two people, Sarah Connor, played by the gorgeous Emilia Clarke and Kyle Reese, the male looker in the flick, portrayed by Jai Courtney. Anorld Schwarzenegger again plays the villain robot turned good to help the two humans save the world from the complete take over by cyborg machines. 

If film makers are going to have bombastic over the top special effects, the movie had better be done in true comic book nature, such as films like "Sin City," "The Spirit" and "300." The new "Terminator" might have worked if the it were a comedy or even a farce. When movie makers try and be serious, than have a scene in which two mortals, Connor and Reese in this case are in a full sized school bus with no seat beats and the bus does at least two spins in mid air before colliding the the ground, and neither person has so much as a scratch is too stupid and ridiculous to take seriously. 
The film makers should have paid me to watch this lame weak story and special effects geared toward the mind of toddler aged children. While I'm at it,  the 2008 flick "The Dark Knight" was another stupid movie I would have loved if I was 3-years-old. 

I prefer dialogue and acting as opposed to cartoon like special effects and sub moronic story's. Zero stars for "Terminator Genisys" and "The Dark Knight" for that matter.   

Monday, November 9, 2015

Double Disasters

Wow, the new "Vacation" movie staring Ed Helms and Christina Applegate is in the running for one of the worst films ever made, it's a comedy and it's not at all funny.

This movies attempt at humor was less successful then Army officer, George Armstrong Custer's last stand at The Battle of The Little Big Horn in 1876. It's failed plea for humor was less gratifying then drinking a cup of hot water with three cups of salt and less entertaining then emptying out a dirty vacuum bag.

Retarded monkeys on acid could have written a better script. I didn't even smile once in "Vacation" which was spawned to DVD on Tuesday, the 3rd.

The new "Vacation" flick did absolutely no justice for the original "Vacation" from the 80s.  In the new disaster, the character Rusty Griswold (Ed Helms) is a grown married man with two sons and sets fourth to drive his family 2000 miles to the fictional Walley World. Not a single scene in this lame movie was remotely entertaining or funny.

"Brothers of War," a World War II saga was another flop. This 2014 movie was given to the U.S. on DVD also on the 3rd of this month. A hapless and pointless drama about two brothers whose minds are completely skewed and thrust into a drama that had the excitement of dead flies on a window seal, and was as entertaining as AM radio in the middle of Montana.  

I'm not sure if "Brothers of War" was a biblical metaphor for the brothers Cain and Abel or if  film maker Mike Carter was trying to justify the need to commit suicide, which may have been better than watching this movie. The story-line was all over the place with a confusing theme. This is a another no star movie. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Devil's Pouring drinks & His Daughter Needs a Ride...

I  combined my words with the lyrics of Hank III and Neil Peart.

The devils pouring drinks and his daughter needs a ride. Mistress of the dark unconscious,
empress of the hidden race, beware her sexy dark embrace. Sometimes she's evil enough
to surpass Bundy's brutalities and can make Manson look meek, or she's incredibly sweet;

Sweeter than honey and sugar itself, the definition of beauty, at least in your mind, a
woman so enticing, incredibly understanding, and remarkably wise, yet still craves your

                                                                         Neal Peart, Izzy Schurr and Hank III.

 More words from Dead Poems...


       Laughing eyes and beer highs accentuated her bare
       thighs. Wish I’d had an attractive lie. 

                         Girl to Woman

Young flowered eye cutie. She’s riding on the
bright side of time before she emerges into a
lady. A true lady. Passion pure, primitive lure.
                                                          Izzy Schurr

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The Lunatic Loser

Basking in the company of family, friends and laughing with my peers at work are some of the great things in life that ignite my dreams to transport desires and drive me when I'm down.   

Lunatic loser is a fitting phrase for me, as a past middle aged entry whose done nothing with his life other then help too few cancer patients and yell at the TV sometimes when the Oakland Raiders or the Oakland Athletics are losing again. 

Thanks to my brother Eddie and his wife Diane, I was not homeless when I was out of work just a few short years ago and the two of them allowed me to clean their house and do landscaping to earn my keep for food and shelter. 

My inability for meaningful communication hindered me severely from 2009-2014. In 2009 I was a dish washer (sanitation technician) making decent money for the Olema Inn in the town of Olema. Washing dishes when I was 45-years-old sent me off to a state of suicidal thoughts, and severe depression, but my acting skills kept this from surfacing to all my family and friends that actually enjoy my presence. 

I peeked much too early in life. I was at my prime in 9th grade. The following are actual words from my 9th grade year book written by my awesome drama teacher, Ave Bartell. Bartell's cursive writings to me when I was leaving her drama class and junior high school in 1979;

'How will I ever replace you Mark? It will never happen-I'll always remember you in "Taming of The Shrew." Sorry to have you leave for Piner. (Piner High School.)-but in three years you certainly helped our shows and the Drama Dept. and I hope you stay with the theater and keep in touch-I won't be surprised to see you on a 'real stage' some day-your surprising humor is terrific. Hope you remember all the good times...I'll miss you an awful lot.' Love Miss Bartell 
Ave Bartell

While I'm on the subject of sort of praising myself, a way cool drama and class mate of mine, Tom Boriolo wrote the the following about me in the same year book. 

 'Mark, I've  never called a lot of people unique before, but you've got to be the true definition of the word! I might not be taking drama anymore, but you'd better keep it up because your good at it. Tom Boriolo. 

Fast forward to present day, I'm just a lunatic and laughing loser with a remarkable candor for embracing the positives in life; despite perpetually doing jobs any 12-year-old can do, and forever having little income, I've found a way to embrace happiness. 

Phil & Gina Garcia, and loco me

Once upon a time, I thought I'd never have the money to travel, because of my current job and vacation hours, I've gone to Hawaii twice now, this October and October of last year. Both times I've gone with my friends of more than 25 years, the Garcia's. I'm already looking forward to October, 2016, so I can go back to Hawaii, for my annual relaxation time, or to use the parliamentary language of our times, 'my yearly chill fest.'

The plane ride to Hawaii with Ruby and Gina

Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Top Four Professional Baseball Teams and Review of Sports Illustrated, Warriors Recap

Only four of the 30 professional baseball teams are contending for this years World Series.

Last years American League champions, the Kansas City Royals lost to the San Francisco Giants in the 2014 World Series. Currently the Royals lead the Toronto Blue Jays two games to none in the best of seven American League Championship series. The Jays last won a World Series in 1993.

The Major League baseball site ( has  deemed the Royals as the rampaging Royals. In today's 6-3 win over the Blue Jays at home, they scored their first five runs in the 7th inning, turning a 0-3 deficit into a two-run lead.

In the National league championship series, the Chicago Cubs lost game one in the best of seven series to the New York Mets earlier this evening, 4-2.

The Mets and Cubs is a fantastic and intriguing match-up for baseball guru's. The Cubs and Mets have won two World Series apiece; Cubs;; Mets;

The last time the Mets won it all, the average price per gallon of gasoline was .93 cents, ; Hit movies included "Top Gun," "Ferris Bueller's Day Off," and "Platoon."

Hit songs in 1986, the last time the Mets took home the Series trophy included Eddie Murphy's "Party All the Time," Addicted to Love"; Robert Palmer, "Sledgehammer"; Peter Gabriel, "Papa Don't Preach"; Madonna and Bon Jovi's "You Give Love a Bad Name."

The Cubs were the first team in pro baseball history to win back to back championships. (1907 / 1908), currently the teams only two Series wins.

The last time the Cubs were champions, the 1908 Ford Model T, (Tin Lizzy) made it's debut to drivers, and popular movies were "A Calamitous Elopement," written and directed by  D. W. Griffith, "Excursion to the Moon," a French movie directed by Segundo de Chomón, and the first American film version of  William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet," directed by J. Stuart Blackton was released.

Who could forget that film director Segundo de Chomón also directed the 1907 movie "Satan At Play," the first year the Cubs won the championship. The Cubs rebounded from a game one loss in the best of five series to the St. Louis Cardinals in their last series, so don't go betting on the Mets just yet.

The post season has proven to be a different beast. This year for example, the Cubs were 7-0 against the Mets in the regular season, but lost tonight. The savagely graceful pitcher for the Toronto Blue Jays, David Price surrendered five runs in the seventh inning this afternoon to the Royals. Price is 1-2 in the post season thus far with a 7.02 ERA. During the regular season, Price had a 2.45 ERA and was two games shy of winning 20 games while being 13 games over .500.  

My current prediction for the World Series match-up is the Cubs against the Royals, giving the Royals a slight edge to win it all.

Sports Illustrated "Special Commemorative Issue, Golden State Warriors Splashdown!"; not really a must own for even the purest of Warriors fans, but it's an easy quick read with some neat basketball facts, so I gave it a three star read.

I learned from reading this issue of SI's commemorative issue, a cool phrase for Stephen Curry's clutch shooting abilities, 'The Curry Flurry.' The Curry Flurry was no joke, especially for the opposing teams. In the first round of last years NBA playoffs the New Orleans Pelicans had a 20 point lead in the final quarter of play and were poised to make it a 2-1 series that third game, but when the Warriors had to, their defense clamped down and Curry hit a nothing but net three pointer with less than three seconds in regulation to send the game into overtime.  Once the dust was settled, the Warriors won in overtime by four points to make it a 3-0 series lead.

Reading this magazine also show cased the similarities between last years championship team, and the 1975 Warriors team which also took home the championship title. 'Dishin and Swishin,' is what both the '75 club and last years team often did. In other words, no player was selfish and many times, Warriors players competed among themselves who would get the most assists per game, via the most points, hence, 'Dishin and Swishin.

Shooting guru, Rick Barry was perhaps the first of the Warriors to popularize 'Dishin and Swishin' for the Warriors. Barry is also fourth on the all time NBA free point shooting percentage list at 89.98 percent.  During the last practice of last years preseason, Curry made 77 consecutive free throws, finishing 94 for 100.

The Warriors were champions last year for a reason. The team played stellar defense and could win games without their stars performing particularly well. Bench player Andre Iguodala was the teams Most Valuable Player in the championship series win against the Cleveland Cavaliers. Head coach Steve Kerr, whose dad was killed in 1984 while president of the American University of Beirut was just as important as the players on the court.

When the Warriors were down two games to one against the Memphis Grizzlies, Kerr made some starters second stringers and vise versa, and the Warriors whipped off three wins in a row to eliminate the Grizzlies. Facing the Eastern conference champion Cavaliers, the Cavs also took a 2-1 series lead. Kerr, benched star defensive starter Andrew Bogut for the remainder of the series and went with a smaller faster line-up which went 3-0 against King James and company, to win the championship series, four games to two.

I'm hoping for a Cubs World Series win this year and of course my Oak town Warriors to win back to back championships.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Instant Gratification and Bombastic Action; Not in "Sicario."

"Sicario" leaves much to ponder as to what is right or wrong; good and evil are sometimes one emotion, and killing even children in cold blood may be the right thing to do, or is it? The story-line in "Sicario," particularly the ending leaves it up to the viewer as to what should be done when it comes to killing or not killing.

Morally sound FBI agent Kate Macer (Emily Blunt) is recruited by an off the wall government official, Matt Graver (Josh Brolin) to flush out one of the largest, if not the biggest cartel boss Fausto Alarcon. (Julio Cesar Cedillo). Graver's main counter part in seeking out Alarcon is the character Alejandro, brilliantly played by Benicio Del Toro. Is Alejandro simply a greedy hit-man working for whoever fattens his wallet the most or is his vengeance for Alarcon legit?

As many of us know, the Mexican cartel rakes in huge amounts of money via the drug trade. This movie points out that 20 percent of the population snorts cocaine and or speed. If nobody did drugs, the cartel business would be next to nothing as opposed to perhaps being the largest money maker in the world. Informing law enforcement about various cartel members could very well get you killed and or your loved ones and drug dealers who cut into the business of cartel members face the same fate; hence, nobody does drugs, senseless killings drop immensely.

This movie works because of the allure of big money. Vast cash and insane amounts of drugs can influence even the best of minds and corrupt even the most valiant men and women who work in law enforcement.

 The movie is a bit lengthy and slow to get to the point, but it's a highly recommended one time watch; I give it a solid three stars.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Engulfed in Ignorance Via the Media

I'm one of many basking in the oblivion of real knowledge and truth.

"The broadcasting industry now stands charged with having molested the minds of our nations children to serve the cause of corporate profit," 1970s Federal Communications Commission commissioner Nicholas Johnson said on the first CNN episode of  "The Seventies."

While big businesses across the universe rule the world without shame or guilt, the masses including myself have allowed ourselves to be weaved into the governments web of lies and corruption. The media, 90 percent of it is controlled by six companies according to the April, 2012 Huffington Post article; "These 10 Companies Control Enormous Number Of Consumer Brands." (updated Sept, 2014)

Advertising goes hand in hand with media and entertainment. These are incredible tools for all governments and media CEO's to dominate our minds and take them off the real issues.  Middle Eastern sadists forcing very young girls to marry old men is one of too many examples of this. It's one way poor families survive in the Middle East, selling off their daughters to middle aged pedophiles.

"Girl, 8, Dies From Internal Injuries After Wedding Night in Yemen," a most disturbing article illustrating sheer evil. Her sadistic groom was 40-years-old.

I want to see a potential presidential candidate talk about ending world hunger, drone bombing and strive for world peace, but that's just fantasy. Money is in death and destruction. Why do you think there are more than 50 wars currently going on in the world, there is too much big money to be had for the soulless one percent who dictate our lives.

Just read the book "Deadly Indifference: The Perfect (Political) Storm: Hurricane Katrina, the Bush White House, and Beyond," by Michael D. Brown and Ted Schwarz. I reviewed this book for the Dixie Sun in 2010 or 2011 and this novel illustrated the endless corruption in politics. A lot of our tax dollars for example go to hookers, cocaine and limos for too many senators and other world leaders.

"My first rule of thinking, I believe nothing the government says," George Carlin said.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Bask in The Laughter and Innocence of Children

2006, Merry Hill Preschool, 4-years-old and more socially adjusted then I'll ever be.


Innocent eyes breed love and laughter. They
harness wisdom and dispense imagination.
Youth’s unfiltered emotions dwell in the Adams
of eternity.
Izzy Schurr

Shroud anger

Children III

                                   Intrigued understanding radiating from their eyes.
                           Innocent poise blends subconscious non sense
                                    into realities moments. Coherent confusion weaves
      the fabric of our dreams and creates serenity.
Izzy Schurr

Sheer confidence

Children IV

Write state of mind. Young and kind. Eyes
wide open, hearts undefended, innocence
untarnished. Captured enlightenment escapes
 via their thoughts. The sheer virtue harnessed
in their souls is the resurrection of harmony.    
Izzy Schurr / Geddy Lee


Razzle dazzle, pies in the castle. Where is Ms.
Frazzle? Under da castle? Perhaps causing a
hassle? Why no, she’s eating sassle. What is
sassle? Sometimes it’s sweet, bright, and
light. Other times it’s sour, dark, and heavy.
Sassle is often like dark chocolate, and some
times it’s like white chocolate. It’s never like
hot chocolate. Mostly it’s Wokalit. Wokalit pie.
chocolate pie, sapple pie, apple pie. Scary pie,
cherry pie, pickle pie, chicken pot pie. Never eat
a mud pie like a Burf or a Wurf. Instead why not
surf. Perhaps walk with a Wurf.
Izzy Schurr

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Once Upon A Time, I Wasn't a Complete Freak of Nature.

Still in debt from financial student aide, I'm about 30 units away from acquiring two college degrees; one in child development and the other in journalism.

The reality of the situation is that I'd need about 50 units of higher education to get the required 30 or so units of classes that count toward a degree. Psychology and history are the only two general education classes I've completed toward a degree.

I failed beginning writing in 2011, but my awesome professor gave me a C plus, which makes me eligible to take the next two English classes toward a degree. I've taken more than a 100 units in college, mostly child development and media classes.

Journalism was easy for me, but English, which I also flunked in high school my junior year and had to repeat my senior year has been difficult enough, and I'm even worse in math. By today's standards I'd put myself at a fourth grade math level, so that's about 12 or 14 math classes I'd need to complete just to take the one or two classes that count toward a degree, hence, I'm regretting not gone to college right out of high school.

Many moons ago, I often daydreamed of success, having a wife and kids, but those dead dreams have faded into a new pursuit of happiness. While my social ineptness has pulverized the chances of marriage and a relationship, one thing is clear, I love getting old. As my dad used to say, dying young is worse than getting old.

When I was young, I at least tried to date and work with children, and realized how pathetic I was at doing both, so currently, I have no regrets about not being married or having children. The few, and I emphasize few women I have gone out with, and even lived with two different ones during separate chapters in my life, I've concluded being alone is awesome.

Children making play dough when I taught preschool. 

I answer to no one, except work, and my lack of success has its depressing moments I admit, but having a pound of wisdom as opposed to an ounce of one, I embrace a steady job and income as opposed to killing myself or being homeless.

When all you needed to work with preschoolers was Early Childhood Education units and of course passing a background check, I got to work with children professionally for about six years. Four of those years where at the YWCA, A Children's Place. Working at a Children's Place was the best. For most of my time there I was living with Debby and her three children. Most of the parents really liked me, because I was quote unquote normal. Back then I was living with Debby, and practically a step father for her three children including Alondra who was in my group, the Brown Bears. The harsh reality and grieving details about Alondra, aka Ali bear are detailed in my Jan. 27, 2014 blog, "Farewell Ali..."

2001 staff at A Children's Place

On a cheery note, my life experience with Debby and her three children, especially her youngest Ali bear, taught me the wonderfulness of being alone. Had I gotten married and fathered children of my own, they would have been insatiable brats. Children don't listen to a word I have to say, at least if it's about something their supposed to do or not do. Because I was with Debby and worked as preschool teacher, I learned what a horrible dad I would have been, hence no regrets about being a sole entity now.