Friday, November 11, 2016

The Malicious Mayhem Of World Politics

The pathetic pillars of world politics showcase the shallowness of universal power. White might makes right, racism and sexism is the consensus's of too many people including our president elect.
Trump will revel in the massive manufacturing of more deadly drones which create even more new enemies for the United States with every destructive strike. (Drones fly, children die. New Yorkers protest signs.)  

Meanwhile in the Middle East, educated women are rewarded with battery acid thrown in their faces, ladies and grade school aged girls are legally raped and beaten. Medieval lunatic laws then punish these females for being vicious victims of premarital and adulterous sex.

The journey to joy is a tedious trek for the soulfully wise...    
                                                                                              Izzy Schurr aka, me, Mark Schurr