Tuesday, November 17, 2015

World War Forever...

World powers such as the U.S. and Russia bombing the Middle East and killing way too many civilians has created a war that will never end. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/23/yemen-drones_n_4152159.html

While very tragic, the more than a 125 people killed on Friday in France is a true testament of modern day war. In 1914, the war to end all wars, World War I began. Currently there are more than 50 wars going on across the globe as stated in the 2011 book "Deadly Indifference" by Michael D. Brown and Ted Schwarz. 

War is not called war anymore, but non the less, it's war. The Vietnam War is still known as the Conflict in Vietnam, a conflict in which more than 55,000 U.S. soldiers were killed; average age being 19-years-old. The so called Vietnam conflict also begot the death of more than two million Vietnamese citizens, many of whom were Innocent women and children. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/10/opinion/for-america-life-was-cheap-in-vietnam.html?_r=0

The current war the U.S. is involved in, the War in Afghanistan, aka 'Operation Enduring Freedom' has caused the death of more than 2,300 American soldiers, non of which are the sons or daughters of political leaders I'm willing to bet. 

World leaders seem to take a sadistic pleasure in sending other peoples children to die, yet everyday people buy into the balderdash of war, because they (we) blindly follow the lies of the government. 


Liquid lunacy fills the goblet of greed and wets
the lips of the unethical which bleeds across the
world. Harbingers of havoc, apprentices of apathy,
creators of chaos, and distributors of destruction.
Soul destroyers and mindless material builders.
Thrust into there lies and bred to consume.
                                                            Izzy Schurr

Today's war is uncharted and much more scary then ever imaginable. The drone strikes that kill children in the Middle East create more and more enemies for the U.S. and other world powers on the planet. 

Friday's attack in France which killed more than a 125 civilians is just a terrible taste of modern day war. ISIS is an enemy created via the countless bombings by the U.S., Russia and other world powers of this still primitive world.     

ISIS and its members and believers are invisible until they strike, just like the U.S. and Russian drones that bomb and kill women and children across the seas.  http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2015/10/russia-airstrikes-syria-civilians-us/411478/  

No, I don't condone ISIS and what it represents, nor do I condone the U.S. war politics, there both evil things in my mind. 

Sadly everything is about money and power and the men who hold high places are the rich and fortunate ones, and they care nothing, absolutely nothing about the poor and middle class, if you believe other wise, your blind to the facts. 

The killer who was killed himself before he murdered four marines in Chattanooga Tennessee http://www.cnn.com/2015/11/14/world/paris-attacks/ this year was a small example of the forever war. 

To start a quest for world peace, all bombings must stop. "Nearly 90 Percent Of People Killed In Recent Drone Strikes Were Not The Target," an October Huffington Post article written by Marina Fang states. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/civilian-deaths-drone-strikes_561fafe2e4b028dd7ea6c4ff

Wake up people and be prepared for the worst, because so called smart bombs, aka drones don't just kill the enemy, it's common sense, a bomb cannot just explode and kill only its true enemies, all civilians, woman and children near, receive the harsh realities of modern day war.