Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Conspiracy, Oil and Money Run the World

Wasted money floods the veins of the uneducated, oil business personal and wicked politicians while higher education and the pursuit of truth, love and laughter is shrouded in deceit and corruption.

The 2001 9/11 Twin Towers attack just may have been planned and executed by our very own government to coax young Americans into war. Personally I believe our government would sacrifice our lives, in the name of money, oil, and ultimate power. Even if the Twin Towers were pulverized by Middle Eastern terrorist, they simply got fed up with the U.S. bombing and killing their civilians which includes women and children, by our 90s smart bombs and now drones. Two wrongs don't make a right, blah, blah.., but in the end war is all about money.

Free thinkers and conspiracy theory believers such as myself think the U.S. war on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan since 9/11 is motivated by Big Oil and money rather than national security.

U.S. tax payers have shelled out more than $60 billion, $15 million per day since September, 2001 in Iraq and Afghanistan, and that's a stat from March, 2013 according to Lara Jakes article "Iraq Report: U.S. Spent Too Much Money On Post-War Reconstruction For Too Little Results." (

How many U.S. citizens could attend a four year college on $15 million a day? Jakes article claims the U.S. overall has spent more than $766 billion on "Operation Iraqi Freedom" and "Operation Enduring Freedom," war since 9/11. Incidentally more than 6,800 U.S. soldiers are now dead and gone since 9/11. (

As of October, 2012, more than 50,000 American soldiers have been wounded since 2001 in Iraq and Afghanistan. Sixteen-thousand of those people have been severely wounded, and more than 1,650 soldiers have lost major limbs, another 1,900 have had their genitals destroyed or wounded according to David Wood's article "Iraq, Afghanistan War Wounded Pass 50,000." Also, more than 43,290 soldiers are suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; Shell shock. (

The following paragraph is word for word on

The only people who will benefit from the war on Iraq are the elite wealthy oil men who finance Bush's election campaigns, and people like Bush who have huge personal investments in the oil industry. The decision for military action had nothing to do with 9/11, the war on terrorism, the U.N. weapons inspections, weapons of mass destruction, Iraqi human rights, or any of the factors that the U.S. government would like you to believe are the true motives for war.

"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives," John Lennon said.

Why spend money on education when you can pay $2.8 million for a single 1909 Honus Wagner baseball card, which someone did in 2008. ( Speaking of the insanely rich wasting money, pro golfer John Daly has gambled away more than $50 million according to today's headlines. That's capitalism in a nutshell; 'I'm successful, so I'm under no obligation to help others, nor will I.'

If I'd been rich when I was young and uneducated on the higher level (college), I'd have been the same way, using all my money for me, myself and I. If I was for example Bill Gates rich now, I'd channel most of my money into local schools, hospitals and provide financial aide to all the poor I could. I'd have a way cool miniature golf course in my back near a warm beach though.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Delectable Beauty

Through every age there is the faithful worshipper at beauty's shrine; Buster Keaton, 1925.
Forties beauty queen Veronica Lake inspired the following words.

Her soul caressed my ego in a dream last night.
As quick as a blink, a flash of lightning, a
Shooting star, time flies. Talk to her, penetrate
the void.
Mini skirts and half shirts. Nipple rings, button
rings, my heart sings. Short hair, long hair,
I’m there. Rocker, rapper, punker, hippie,
don’t matter to me. Business attire and grace
or high heels and lace, welcome to my place.
Light skin, dark skin, freckled skin, soft skin,
I’m in. Short or tall, I likem’ all.
An efficacious zephyr hovers my thoughts into the
spheres of inner space.
Madness is music, dreams, and whispered beauty.
Unfiltered emotions riding in wisdoms wave.
Separate thoughts fuse forever into time. Infinite
imagination spawns creative desires. Passion to
immortalize, desire to live. To embed ones soul into
the heart of time itself.
                                                        Izzy Schurr

Thursday, May 15, 2014

My Reality

Nested in my sound thoughts and intentions dwells a potent reality of insanity creeping toward the core of my brain while my true imagination is caged in the guiled reality of just another number in the lower class work force.

Occasional laughter with friends and family frequently fuels the desire to live as a sole entity out of touch with tangible feelings.

Laughing at myself, great comedy, Facebook vents, music and random posts on my blog balance craziness and responsibly into a pleasant mixture of refreshing reality.

Teaching preschool aged children about 12 years ago that cart is spelled kart was just one of my many flaws as a preschool teacher. What can I say? I like to write, but I can't spell. To date, English is the only subject in both the high school and college level that I flunked. I was an A student in journalism though.

In 2011 I managed the minimum grade (C plus) required in my third class of college level English, Beginning Writing. I'm now eligible to take the two more English classes which count toward graduation. Technically I flunked Beginning Writing in 2011, a whooping 58 percent grade. With only two weeks to go in the semester, my most wonderful professor said as long as I turned in the last few assignments and took my final, she'd pass me, because I'd turned in all my assignments on time and never missed a class.

Facebook is an outlet for me to vent about stuff I hate. I know many people don't appreciate my views on Christianity, but to each his own, because when all is said and done, I'm just a void pawn in the game of life. For the record, the Bible can be very potent and gripping;

Proverbs 2:2; Make your ear attentive to wisdom, Incline your heart to understanding.

My problem like George Carlin jokes about, is that I don't have pet peeves, I have major psychotic F-word hatreds. I need to get over my hatred for today's music. Yes I will always hate it, but so what if others like it, I can still enjoy my vast variety of music which includes the Spice Girls, Hank I, II, III, Rush, The Beatles, Iron Maiden, 40s to today's blues, 70s disco, 80s techno and the 90s alternative sounds.

I personally belief in science over religion, but there are some compelling arguments for religion. Even Stephen Hawking said humans would not exist if we started out as infants. Hence we needed God or gods to create adults which create babies. Maybe the Greeks were right, gods also die, though they lived for five or 10,000 years.

Greek religious beliefs would explain everything today. All the gods are now dead, and everything that happens now, good or evil, peace, war, love, hate, romance, lust, laughter and sorrow are all things experienced or emotionalized mostly by blind chance.

If there is an afterlife, punishment or reward should be based solely on karma and not your personal beliefs or lifestyle.

"Doctor Sleep" Is a Murderous Mayhem of Marvel

An evil inhuman race masked in the image of senior citizens thrive on the killing of young children which enables this horrid race of beings to live near immortal lives.

"Doctor Sleep," Stephen King's, 50th novel, is the sequel to his 1977 book, "The Shining." Danny Torrance, the little boy in "The Shining" is now a grown man in "Doctor Sleep" who rejuvenates his ability to shine and communicate telepathically with 12-year-old Abra Stone.

Stone's shining powers would greatly benefit the True Knot, (the non humans) via killing her and absorbing the essence of her soul.

Rose O' Hara also known as the Hat because she often wears a top hat is the leader of the True Knot's 40 or so crew who travel about the states in 14 RVs seeking out children with the ability to shine. The children they catch are murdered and buried at dawn. The essence of their young souls are stored in a unique silver canister by the Hat.

All the members of the True Knot gather together, and O' Hara opens one silver canister which omits the soul of the children in a white or red smoke form and is inhaled by the Knot. Each canister will sustain the entire Knot clan for about six weeks.

By the age of 6 or 7-years-old, Stone begins having night terrors so intense that her mother Lucy is ripped from her sleep from her daughter's screams. Torrance and Stone team up to combat the True Knot.

Twelve-year-old Stone and O'Hara begin shining with one another from across many states. Stone refers to O'Hara (the hat) as the Queen Bitch from Castle Hell and challenges the Hat to a one on one duel at the base camp of the True Knot's location where the Overlook Hotel once stood before in was burned to the ground.

The Overlook Hotel is where Torrance was haunted by the bloody ghost girls in the white dresses.

"Doctor Sleep" has gripping eerie elements of the supernatural and the heart felt laughter of the human souls bright side. Two solid thumbs up for the book "Doctor Sleep."

Mark Izzy Schurr