Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Demons; Devious, Dangerous, and Deliciously Delectable

Before I talk about the positives of the word 'demon,' the negatives will come first.

Myself, like too many Americans am a victim of U.S. education;  across the seas in other parts of the world, open minds are more apt to flourish via their teachings in schools.

The Hindu goddess Varahi, one of six or 16, Matrkas; dangerous or a huge part in keeping us alive?

Growing up in the U.S., it's assumed the word demon is always bad, an evil spirit, an unseen predator dwelling in anticipation of causing innocent blood flow. Demonic forces embedding themselves in the heart of political leaders who send other peoples children to die in wars. Demons which fuel the minds of nuclear weapons builders and laughed as napalm burned the skin of small children in Vietnam. Dangerous demons were delighted when the U.S. military obliterated more than a 200,000 civilians, including women and children in a three day span in August, 1945. (http://www.aasc.ucla.edu/cab/200708230009.html)

Evil spirits harboring in the minds of too many young soldiers in every part of the world who frequently pillage third world towns, rape the young pretty girls, then kill them as easily as I'd kill a fly. (http://thinkprogress.org/world/2015/03/26/3639634/congo-rape/) Evil souls who relish in the rape, death and destruction of everyone who have different beliefs and cultural views then themselves. Currently a small percent of U.S. soldiers are raping young middle eastern girls than killing them and their family's. (http://thinkprogress.org/world/2015/03/26/3639634/congo-rape/ )

Devious demons that poison the minds of military leaders who cover up too many of these regular occurrences in war. Rape is indeed synonymous with war. (http://womensenews.org/story/rape/110904/bangladesh-rape-victims-say-war-crimes-overlooked)

Not all demons are bad as the Bible for instance dictates. 'Demon' is derived from the Greek word, daimon, which means genius or deity. Deity as defined in the required "Oxford Dictionary" for today's college English classes is a god or goddess, divine status. Being a genius would translate into having vast knowledge, hence in the European education system, their students learn that the word demon is also a word for knowledge.

Delectable demons are the ones who harbor in the laughing souls of those whose thirst for knowledge is never satisfied. These demons don't drink from the governments goblet of greed, nor feed into their lies of justifying countless wars. Wars that send over priced drones via middle class tax dollars to bomb some militants and countless poor women and children to their deaths or major limb removal. (http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2014/nov/24/-sp-us-drone-strikes-kill-1147)

Delightful demons fuel the imagination of children and show them countless mental paths in life that are most beneficial to the ways they think and feel. Delicious demons detest the one sided education methods designed for the masses and not the individuals. These demons embrace creativity and dispense imagination...