Sunday, December 31, 2017

Eternal Questions

Etched in stone and inked from the quills of the ancients, the words and actions of the gods, fact or fantasy were documented. The eternal rewards of heaven or the infinite damnation of hell was promised.

Mortals ignited the holy wars, killing in the name of their gods. Needless bloodshed and countless deaths in the name of vanity, indecency and ignorance continues to fuel fascinating tales which churn the imagination.

The unseen almighty, worshipers bow and kill for a non existent, dead or a creator that abandoned us thousands of years ago.

Thou shall not kill: (Exodus; 20; 13.)

...Kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman...(God commanding Moses: Numbers 31;17)   Mark Schurr

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Limited Laughter

Far too often gracious greetings are met with emotionless glances, or even harsh glares. It's trendy to be unfriendly. Obeying the trends in the presence of the masses. Joyless displays of all emotions in the void ruins of society. Limited laughter echo's in the few forests of trust and joy. 
Mark Schurr

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Mortal Mayhem

White or black wings embedded on the backs of humanistic beings soaring unseen to mortals throughout the harmonious and hateful horizons of Earth and beyond.

Deity's don't judge, they simply mirror the final results of mortality. A long dirt nap, or ashed in the urns of time? Upon death, do our spiritual hearts and minds continue beating and thinking in the endless abyss of cold liquid black? Are some souls sent to scream in the furnaces of fury forever? Perhaps there are sensational souls that become breeding lovers and fabulous fools living on in the lush lands of permanent serenity, abundant with creativity.

Slumbered dreams, nightmares and awakened fantasies create coherency and confusion among the living.   Mark Schurr