Thursday, October 1, 2015

Bask in The Laughter and Innocence of Children

2006, Merry Hill Preschool, 4-years-old and more socially adjusted then I'll ever be.


Innocent eyes breed love and laughter. They
harness wisdom and dispense imagination.
Youth’s unfiltered emotions dwell in the Adams
of eternity.
Izzy Schurr

Shroud anger

Children III

                                   Intrigued understanding radiating from their eyes.
                           Innocent poise blends subconscious non sense
                                    into realities moments. Coherent confusion weaves
      the fabric of our dreams and creates serenity.
Izzy Schurr

Sheer confidence

Children IV

Write state of mind. Young and kind. Eyes
wide open, hearts undefended, innocence
untarnished. Captured enlightenment escapes
 via their thoughts. The sheer virtue harnessed
in their souls is the resurrection of harmony.    
Izzy Schurr / Geddy Lee


Razzle dazzle, pies in the castle. Where is Ms.
Frazzle? Under da castle? Perhaps causing a
hassle? Why no, she’s eating sassle. What is
sassle? Sometimes it’s sweet, bright, and
light. Other times it’s sour, dark, and heavy.
Sassle is often like dark chocolate, and some
times it’s like white chocolate. It’s never like
hot chocolate. Mostly it’s Wokalit. Wokalit pie.
chocolate pie, sapple pie, apple pie. Scary pie,
cherry pie, pickle pie, chicken pot pie. Never eat
a mud pie like a Burf or a Wurf. Instead why not
surf. Perhaps walk with a Wurf.
Izzy Schurr