Saturday, January 27, 2024

"The Last Election," Another Modern Moron Book Review

"This is absolutely the stupidest f****** system in the world, we want to change it," Alex McLuhan said. 

I honestly forget who Alex McLuhan is, but it's his direct quote from Andrew Yang's latest book, "The Last Election." I becha McLuhan is a member of the Maverick Party. Simple fact, the Maverick Party is a spawn of Yang's Foward Party. Not left, not right, but Foward. 

The Foward Party has some great policies; open primaries, UBI, no more Electoral College, the candidate who receives the most votes, wins, simple. Only gun owners should be able to fire their guns, and with today's technology, it could be made possible.   

Universal Basic Income for all American citizens 18-years-old and older. Yang got this idea from Martin Luther King Jr who spoke about a guaranteed supplemental income in 1967. Yang's book "The War on Normal People" details where the money would come from and the MATH works.

Make America Think Harder was coined by a Yang Ganger during his 2020 presidential campaign. Companies such as Amazon and General Mills would pay one percent of their profits into UBI and every google search would cost .01 cent. These are just two of the many other sources UBI would generate from.    

Imagine an additional $700 a month after taxes on top of whatever else you earn, and no matter how much one nets, they still get the money, as long as they meet the two above criteria's, thus eliminating the argument, you get it, and I don't. Yang laughs when it's said people won't work if they receive Universal Basic Income. Can you live on $12,000 a year in the U.S.? Yang said. 

Yang's a better choice than our current two candidates, but I regress, he's not running this year. Yang talks about the gerontocracy between President Biden, Donald Trump and America in general in this book, "The Last Election."  

Yang talks too much about the Maverick Party, or does he? One thing is clear, Yang is 100 percent correct when he says Americans need better choices in our presidential candidates, regardless if their democrat or republican. He pushes for one day having a third party that competes evenly with our current two choices.  
"You don't need inside knowledge to see the country is falling apart," Yang said. 

Three stars easy for October's "The Last Election," co-written with Stephen Marche.

Myself with Andrew Yang at his meet and greet in San Francisco in June.
Mark Izzy Schurr