On August 26, 2016, Donald Trump could not handle real questions from journalist Jorge Ramos and had him forcibly removed from one of his debates. (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/donald-trump-jorge-ramos_55ddc41ce4b04ae497051923)
Once Ramos was in the outside halls, a Trump supporter told Ramos to get out of my country. Ramos is a U.S. citizen incidentally. Trump and his crew are racist and stupid. Ramos was allowed back to ask questions, only Trump kept interrupting Ramos, so really, he didn't get his question answered as to how Trump is going to built 'the wall,' and deport more than 11 million people back to Mexico which is a lame plan to begin with.
I do agree with Trump, that criminals who are illegal immigrants should not be in the U.S., but their are millions of illegals who are beneficiary to the U.S. If you think they are taking away jobs, forget about it, if you really need and want to work you'll find a steady job, I'm living proof of that.
If your like me and don't want milk and other dairy products which are already soaring in price to go up another 61 percent, you might want to rethink your views on getting rid of all the illegal Mexican immigrants. The U.S. Department of Agriculture states that about half of the hired workers employed in U.S. crop agriculture were unauthorized, with the overwhelming majority of these workers coming from Mexico. The USDA has also warned that any potential immigration reform could have significant impacts on the U.S. fruit and vegetable industry. (http://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/foreign-policy/203984-illegal-immigrants-benefit-the-us-economy)
Illegal immigrants are also paying about $15 billion dollars a year into social security which they won't receive. (http://money.cnn.com/2014/11/20/news/economy/immigration-myths/)
The U.S. spent almost $18 billion dollars in 2012 for immigration enforcement. (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/07/immigration-enforcement-cost_n_2425647.html) If the world had open borders, which it should, there would be less wars and more diversity and acceptance of others. John Lennon believed in open borders and that's one of the many reasons I believe in them. World peace and harmony for all, I know it's just a dream, but it's an awesome dream.
One billion dollars would allow about 79,847 people to acquire a four-year college degree for free. Over the course of four years, approximately 1,437,246 people every four-years would get a free college degree. (https://www.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/comments/2uc8b7/request_1_billion_dollars_would_pay_for_how_many/)
Everything Trump says is crazy to me, and even scary. In July, he suggested he has lascivious desires for his own daughter.
"She (his daughter) does have a very nice figure. I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her,” Trump said. (http://m.snopes.com/donald-trump-date-daughter/)