Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Donald Trump, A Colossal Clown

"I don't believe anything the government tells me," George Carlin said.

It's a sad state of affairs when a meat-head such as Donald Trump has a legitimate shot at being the next leader of the U.S.

Comedy is a huge part of American media, and those in the spot light, such as presidential candidates are a natural target for comedians across the globe. Not too long ago, Trump displayed his ignorance by having his lawyer send comedian Bill Maher official documents proving both his parents where indeed humans. Apparently Trump does not know it's scientifically impossible for humans to breed with animals and vis-a-vis. A while back, Maher  joked that Trump was the son of an orange haired ape. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdEiCGyLlGk

Trump initially sued Maher for 5 million dollars because of Maher's ape joke, and has since ceased with the ludicrous lawsuit, but to even sue in the first place illustrates his madness.

Trump caters to the brain-washed souls of the might makes right attitude. Trump, if he becomes our next president said he'd build-up the U.S. military and bomb the S*** out of Isis. http://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-bomb-isis-2015-11

From June of 2004 to June of  this year, the U.S. has dropped more than 550 bombs in the Middle East to combat quote, unquote terrorists. (Isis) I'd say, our military is already bombing the heck out of Isis. Incidentally these bombs have killed more than 1,060 Middle Eastern civilians, and that's just what is told to us, yet some still wonder why the U.S. is not loved by everyone.  https://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/2015/06/02/monthly-drone-report-may-2015-us-strikes-kill-at-least-48-in-three-countries/

Build up the U.S military? How much more enhancing does the American military need? Our government by far is the leading spender on its armed forces. As of  January of last year, the U.S. spent close to what the entire rest of the world spent on its defense. The U.S. currently spends more than $710 billion a year for its military. The next closest is China at $143 billion per year. https://www.military1.com/army/article/402211-how-much-stronger-is-the-us-military-compared-with-the-next-strongest-power

If Trump becomes our next Commander in Chief, he also wants to rid this county of all Muslims. If this does happen, then we need to get rid of all the white policemen in the U.S. for the unlawful killing of blacks and Latinos, oh, I regress, Trump is a white racists, so this is OK for him.

Fact; it's more likely for an American to be crushed by an unstable TV or other piece of furniture than it is to be killed by an Islamic extremest. A November Washington Post article confirms this fact. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2015/11/23/youre-more-likely-to-be-fatally-crushed-by-furniture-than-killed-by-a-terrorist/

Trump is playing the fear factor card, which unfortunately works. It worked great for the Roman Empire for much too long. Unfortunately Julius Caesar is still revered even though he was a mass murder and serial rapist. Read real books and research real news folks. Caesar was called a conqueror, which leaders are named for committing genocide, and Caesar also had several sex slaves, how nice for a world leader. I think it's fantastic the way Caesar was assassinated, stabbed several times in the groin, a deserving death for that evil F%$#!

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