Upon shifting through my Dead Poems, poems I wrote decades ago, and some just a few weeks back, I simply just like to dream. Dream I'm incredibly rich, rich enough to end world hunger, wars, political injustice and reality TV. Since the world will never be a place where everyone is safe and filled with only love and laughter, I sometimes wish I had the money to adopt five baby girls, have the time and money to raise them with wisdom, soul, heart and basketball prowess. Crazy dream of coaching five girls to a WNBA championship, or even a high school championship.
Regardless of ones aspirations for children, one thing is clear to me, innocence, truth and joy are the ideal experiences with children.
Back in the Day
Cops and robbers, cowboys and Indians. Toy soldiers
and deathless wars. Putting frogs in her lunch box,
kindergarten delights. Recess and gram crackers.
blue horses and green skies-coloring books. Short
pants and cowboy boots. Big wheels and happy meals.
Innocence untarnished. Mud pies and summer skies,
my how time flies. Izzy Schurr, aka Mark Schurr
Innocent eyes breed love and laughter. They
harness wisdom and dispense imagination.
Youth’s unfiltered emotions dwell in the Adams
of eternity. Izzy Schurr
Children IV
Write state of mind. Young and kind. Eyes
wide open, hearts undefended, innocence
untarnished. Captured enlightenment escapes
via their thoughts. The sheer virtue harnessed
in their souls is the resurrection of harmony.
Izzy Schurr / Geddy Lee
Razzle dazzle, pies in the castle. Where is Ms.
Frazzle? Under da castle? Perhaps causing a
hassle? Why no, she’s eating sassle. What is
sassle? Sometimes it’s sweet, bright, and
light. Other times it’s sour, dark, and heavy.
Sassle is often like dark chocolate, and some
times it’s like white chocolate. It’s never like
hot chocolate. Mostly it’s Wokalit. Wokalit pie,
chocolate pie, sapple pie, apple pie. Scary pie,
cherry pie, pickle pie, chicken pot pie. Never eat
a mud pie like a Burf or a Wurf. Instead why not
surf. Perhaps walk with a Wurf.
Izzy Schurr