Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Last Episode This Year of "Real Time With Bill Maher" Was for Open Minds

For everyone who blindly believes the governments words, maybe relishes in the death of children and other innocents or supports war, Friday's episode of "Real Time With Bill Maher" was ludicrous, but for those who aspire to acquire wisdom, perpetually question injustice, lies and seek sheer truth, Friday's show was fantastic.

The most recent Paris tragedy was indeed a harsh dose of modern day war, which displays the primitive violence of humankind which will never grow up until mother nature pulverizes the entire human (dis) 'g' race.

Too many people, and not just Americans believe all Syrians are evil and have the Donald Trump heartless and racist attitude toward Middle Eastern people;

'Nuke their ass and take their gas.'

The Paris attack and the U.S. soldiers killed on their military base this year stems from two things, money and oil.

Maher pointed out that the U.S. is bombing ISIS, the Middle East 60 times a day, 28,000 times thus far and counting. The U.S. military claims no Middle Eastern Civilians have been killed by any of these bombs. If you believe that, just research the U.S. bombings in Yemen.

"Are We Dropping Enough Bombs on Isis," a July article by Micah Zenko on the web site, has claims that in recent times, a 162 Middle Eastern Civilians, 51 of which were children and 35 of them women have been killed by U.S. bombings. Do some research folks, every time our government bombs the Middle East, we create more enemies for ourselves.

Maher also illustrated the fact that not all Muslims are bad people as the government wants us to believe. Muslims living across the seas experience terrorism  everyday. The Middle Eastern government is completely whacked; married Middle Eastern women get beaten by their husbands and these men have 100 percent impunity, maids are raped, Muslims artist and bloggers who are free thinkers are killed, tortured or imprisoned for simply expressing their individually, again their persecutors receive full impunity.

Canada is allowing 25,000 Syrian refugees into their country this year alone, and Germany is also welcoming Syrian refugees Chrystal Freeland, a Canadian writer and journalist said. More than two million of these refugee's are children. 

The U.S. is a great place to live, and for its government to deprive repressed people across the globe this opportunity to be artists and women not to be beaten legally by their husband's is simple not a peaceful plan.

Maher said former President Jimmy Carter is the only U.S. President to not fire at another country. Carter, whose dying of cancer said he hopes before he dies that the last Guinea worm perishes before he does. In the 1970s, 3.5 million Africans where dying a year from the Guinea worm which dwells in water. Carter and his administration implemented a water filtration system for Africans, and currently a 126 Africans die from the Guinea worm annually.    

I understand why Carter is a hero to Maher, more world leaders need to help others in need as opposed to bombing them. Another thing Friday's show made clear; the current U.S. presidential election is a reality TV show. American politicians don't have to make sense, they just have to look like their making sense.