Monday, July 25, 2016

The Hindu's Said Over 2500 Years Ago; Our World, A World At War, It's lack of Intellectually and Spirituality Is Why.

No one or any group of people will ever have definitive prove of how humans got here or if there is or isn't a God or Gods. The constant eternal search for human creation and why we exist is beyond thoughts compass.

The book " The Song of God Bhagavad-Gita," first published in 1954 is a rewritten English transformation of Hindu God knowledge written nearly 3000 ago.

Gita, as we all know from our reading is piece of literature. "The Song of God Bhagavad-Gita" is book written more than 2500 before the birth of Jesus, and mentions many divine happenings the Bible does with zero judgment toward others with different lifestyles and believes.

Hindu's who believe in God except Buddhist, Christians and many other religions because they too are seeking God, and the Hindu philosophy is not egotistical like too many other religions which claim their way is the only way, and it you don't think and feel what they feel, they can and often kill you and your babies without remorse. Hinduism embraces love and shrouds hatred which other religions that started 1,000s of years after Hinduism fail to embrace or even try to understand.

Brahman the main God as stated in "Bhagavad-Gita" is one of many Hindu Gods. The Hindu's accept the fact that their divine believers  worship one God, many Gods or even no God.

The basic belief in Hinduism from what I've read in the above mentioned book and "Hinduism" by R.C. Zaehner first released in 1962 is that the Hindu's belief reward or punishment in the afterlife is based on karma, not following rigid rules such as being a sinful and hell bound person for fantasying about that beautiful redheaded women cashiering at the local 7-Eleven store.

For a book written more than 2500 years ago, " The Song of God Bhagavad-Gita" illustrates why things are so messed up in today's world. Rajas, a Hindu word for devil will make you thirsty for pleasure and possession.

'These malignant creatures are full of egotism, vanity, lust, wrath and power.' These words are from  "The Song of God Bhagavad-Gita" which is referring to the ungodly. Our world and business leaders live by the above words.  

The Perennial Philosophy are two powerful words in this book. To achieve and understand Perennial Philosophy is to eliminate all confusion of words, myths and local histories.

The Song of God Bhagavad-Gita" claims that Christians, Buddhist, Hindu's and many other religions can live as one and dream of an eternity of sheer paradise whatever its name might be; Valhalla, Nirvana, Heaven or Hawaii.