Monday, November 4, 2013

Mass Murder is Legal for the U.S.

Distributors of mayhem and destruction for the almighty American dollar are what drive the U.S. government.
The insane quest for money has halted the universal use of solar power, bio diesel and everything that is practical, so a few billionaires can bask in finical paradise while having middle and lower income youths kill innocent entities for more oil.

Individuals being brain washed into killing and dyeing for their government believe in the balderdash politicians constantly feed the world. The U.S. military currently kills with an unmanned aerial vehicle, also known as a drone.

Juan Cole’s Dec. 2012 article “Let’s also Remember the 176 children killed by U.S. Drones.” ( claims around 3000 people were killed by U.S. drones and 600 of those people where innocent civilians including a 176 mass murdered children. Washington narratives say the drones are precision machines that only kill terrorists. There’s also no corruption in politics, blah, blah… I’d bet dollars to donuts, that the U.S. government is responsible for the death of tens of millions of innocent soles since the 90s. Remember the early 90s war, Operation Desert Storm which featured the use of Smart Bombs. How anyone over the age of four can possible believe that a launched bomb kills only 100 percent of its intended targets is ludicrously blind thinking. 

The human race continues to evolve in a technological sense while the powers that rule the world burry spiritualty by squelching the mass use of solar and other natural resources to fuel our vehicles and continue using outdated oil and gasoline.   

The U.S. military routinely kills innocent civilians and children in the Middle East so we can embrace ignorance, post meaningless things on face book, play our Xbox’s, Play Stations, drink our overpriced coffee and go shopping for more stuff that will soon be outdated.

So wake up people and stop ignoring what’s going on in the evil world of politics and cease going to war for sadistic billionaires. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go check my fantasy football roster.