Saturday, May 2, 2015

You Be the Judge, "Inherent Vice" A Tough Movie to Rate

Every soul whether it's loving, hateful, creative, bland, adventurous or inhibited has its deviant vices in the opinions set fourth in "Inherent Vice."

First bred to theatrical audiences on November 8, then to DVD on April 28, "Inherent Vice" is an all star cast thrust into the year 1970 in a beach community. Illicit cigarette use, non prescribed pills and other hard drugs use factor in with free love, deceit and a bizarre quest for happiness and meaning.

Larry 'Doc' Sportello (Joaquin Phoenix) whom I wasn't sure if he was a gynecologist or private eye gets involved in an all over the place storyline to rip off his ex-girl friends now billionaire boyfriend while having to deal with the crooked cop, Lt. Christian F. 'Bigfoot' Bjornsen played by Josh Brolin.

The Golden Fang, a dental company specializing in the fixing of meth and heroine laden teeth is also a business front for laundering massive amounts of herion and money into the U.S. for post 60s drug addictive youth and unsavory law and medical professionals. The Golden Fang, despite its mass distribution of hard drugs into suburban American life is just one example of what happens in the real word. People search for dangerous mind adventures and associate with others who do the same for reasons no one can exactly pin-point.

I enjoyed the very ending of this movie. It left questions and various answers as to what success and happiness are.

Other understandable tangibles to this flick was the eye pleasing Katherine Waterston who plays Shasta Fay Hepworth. As a man flesh and blood, she looked amazing in her full on nude scene.

Accomplished Hollywood big names also include Reese Witherspoon (D.A. Penny Kimball), Martin Short (Dr. Rudy Blatnoyd), Owen Wilson (Coy Harlingen) and Benicio Del Toro as Sauncho Smilax.

This may be a cop out on my part, but I am not giving this a rating based on the usual 0-5 stars, zero being the worst and five the best. My opinion is way too mixed to give "Inherent Vice" a rating.

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