Sunday, May 18, 2014

Delectable Beauty

Through every age there is the faithful worshipper at beauty's shrine; Buster Keaton, 1925.
Forties beauty queen Veronica Lake inspired the following words.

Her soul caressed my ego in a dream last night.
As quick as a blink, a flash of lightning, a
Shooting star, time flies. Talk to her, penetrate
the void.
Mini skirts and half shirts. Nipple rings, button
rings, my heart sings. Short hair, long hair,
I’m there. Rocker, rapper, punker, hippie,
don’t matter to me. Business attire and grace
or high heels and lace, welcome to my place.
Light skin, dark skin, freckled skin, soft skin,
I’m in. Short or tall, I likem’ all.
An efficacious zephyr hovers my thoughts into the
spheres of inner space.
Madness is music, dreams, and whispered beauty.
Unfiltered emotions riding in wisdoms wave.
Separate thoughts fuse forever into time. Infinite
imagination spawns creative desires. Passion to
immortalize, desire to live. To embed ones soul into
the heart of time itself.
                                                        Izzy Schurr

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