Saturday, April 17, 2021

Children's Books I Like


Our eyes see flies. Our eyes see ants. Sometimes they see pink underpants. (Dr. Seuss, 1968)

I had fun reading 1968s, “The Eye Book.” It was like a song to me. ‘Our eyes see rings, our eyes see strings, they see so many things! (Dr. Seuss)

I also enjoyed picking up facts that fascinate myself. As we all know from our reading, Cynisca, was the first woman to be a champion in the Olympics. In 396 B.C., women were not allowed to compete in the Olympics, but Cynisca, a trained Spartan athlete, won glory because the chariot team she trained won an Olympic event.   

The brains natural chemicals to ignite happiness and handle stress gracefully are known as neurotransmitters. Exercise, and hanging out with family and friends is often a positive enlightener of Norepinephrine, which is how the brain handles stress. Positive activities also ignite Serotonin and Dopamine, which show case happiness and knowledge of what’s pleasant.  

The 2020, Britannica “Kids Encyclopedia, What We Know & What We Don’t” is cool for any aged reader.

More detailed book reviews will be blogged about in the future, be forewarned.

Mark Izzy Schurr

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