Friday, August 2, 2019

Because of President Donald J. Trump, the U.S. has an erratic and unpredictable relationship with even its allies entrepreneur Andrew Yang said during Wednesday nights democratic debates.

Yang and Hawaiian representative Tulsi Gabbard should be president and vice president. I don’t care which is which. Both Gabbard and Yang talked about the follies and futility of the current 18-year war with Afghanistan. Gabbard said the U.S. government is still spending $4 billion dollars a month on this pointless and tragic war.

If the war were ended, and our troops sent home, this $4 billion dollar a month could be much better spent on health care for all, education, infrastructure and clean water Gabbard said. Thus far, the U.S. government has spent $5.6 trillion dollars in the Middle East.  

Gabbard also pointed out that the U.S. has thousands of missiles aimed directly at various cities. A single launch of one of these missiles would give its city members only 30 minutes to find shelter, and guess what, there is no shelter.

Flint Michigan still has lead in its water, and the government is doing little to nothing about it since 2014. Our current leaders, ‘warmongers’ care only about the wealthy one percent who control all the money, and they have no soul, there’re evil. Wake up America. Yang and Gabbard had less harsh words, but they got their meaning across to me!

“Here we are, with make-up on our faces and our rehearsed attack lines playing roles in this reality 
TV show which is why we elected a reality TV show host in the first place, when we should be talking about the real issues” Yang said Wednesday night.

Yang said automation has already eliminated four million manufacturing jobs, and guess what folks, this is just the tip of the ice burg! Yang has a great slogan; ‘Not left, not right, but forward.  

Gabbard is the only war veteran currently running for president and she was in Iraq in a field medical unit in 2005.

“Everyday I saw the high cost of war,” Gabbard said.

For too long our leaders in their ivory towers in Washington have no idea of the cost and consequences the toll war takes on its soldiers and their families. This wasteful regime war needs to end, and our troops need to be sent home Gabbard said.

Other candidates said Trump is pushing science fiction instead of science fact. Trump thinks wind turbines cause cancer, but they cause jobs.   

Wednesday nights debates also illustrated the importance of education. Currently, 88 percent of all inmates in the U.S. didn’t graduate high school. Too many people are in jail for marijuana offenses, which Gabbard is appalled at, and she put Senator Kamala Harris in her place Wednesday night about this subject.

I was very impressed with Wednesday nights debates, I was enlightened to know that for the past four years, the summers in the world have been warmer each year since its recorded history. Global warming is real folks and Yang said we are ten years too late to fix permanent damage.

Another candidate said Trump is not bashful in his cruelty. Under Trump's leadership, seven immigrant children have died in border lockups. Many people flee their impoverished towns and cities because some gangs in these places tell business owners to give them all their money, or their families will be killed. Women flee these places because of rape, or the fear of being raped. I’ve seen it myself in the 80s while I was in Honduras, people living in sheer poverty, dwelling in mud huts. Our leaders lie and say these people are a crime threat and even threatening our jobs, but that is balderdash.

“Congress is not doing its job, impeach Trump,” one candidate said.

Mark Izzy Schurr

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