Three hitchhikers in Oregon who graciously appeased my camera's eye on Saturday.
Coherent confusion weaves the fabric of imagination
and creativity into moments of reality. Their smiles caress my ego. Various ladies have been throned on beauties shrine. When allowed to photograph their exquisite charm, the resurrection of harmony feeds my soul.
"This is weird," she (above) said as I took her picture in Golden Gate Park. Too weird to live to unique to die. (Hunter S. Thompson)
For now, and ever more, I look forward to roaming the vast lands of inner space behind the eye of the camera.
Both pictures; Schurr Shot, April, 2020
To be honest, when I first got the idea to roam around busy city parks and streets to ask pretty ladies if I could take their pictures, I was expecting resounding no’s and harsh rejection. Pleasantly surprised, reciprocate smiles from appealing women wasn't as rare as expected.
Schurr Shot, April, 2020
The first day I set out to take pictures of gorgeous women, I was too shy to ask a single woman for her picture. The second day I tried, it took me almost two hours to ask the first woman for her picture and she let me take three pictures of her, thank you Kate!
Kate, 2020
Yes, I’m weird, but innocuously strange, and the fact I’m not scary to all women is comforting.
Mark (Izzy) Schurr
Randum beauties who allowed me to snap their picture.