Monday, December 12, 2016

The Novel, " A Strange Little Place," A Paranormal Journey...

The author of "A Strange Little Place" is a believer in the paranormal and wrote about ghosts  and other supernatural beings that he claims haunt, taunt and sometimes simply observe some of the living in the small town of Revelstoke, Canada.

Instead of diving into the philosophical waters of the supernatural, Brennan Storr, the author barley gets the top of his feet wet in the infinite depths of the unknown.

I'm giving this book a mere two star rating. The reason the book receives more than  half star is because Storr gave me some cool word combinations I can implement into my own bombastic written thoughts.

Whether or not your a believer or skeptic in the world of ghosts, each and every story (33) Storr wrote about in this book is more boring then the next one. On the bright side, no people were killed by any of the haunting dead, and since a lot of the stories involved children, this was especially a good thing.

Most of the 33 stories, all taking place in the town of Revelstoke were just mere tails of people saying they saw Big Foot, aka Sasquatch, a UFO or one or more ghosts. One person claims he was pushed down a flight of stairs by a ghost, but other then some very minor injuries, so what?
In another one of the stories, a man, his wife and children were driving along a rural highway in Revelstoke, and they all claim to have felt a very ominous presence, so the father, who was driving found a place to make a U-turn on the free way and go another direction. Again, so what? What was the presence they felt? You won't find out in the book either, a lot of the boring stories were the same thing, we saw something so scary, we thought we were going to die, then nothing what so ever happens, and when the people were asked what what the saw or felt, Storr got the same reply;

"I don't want to talk about it."

"A Strange Little Place" was like a joke book with hundreds of jokes and not a single punch line.
I did learn one thing from this book, if you own a car that is frequently breaking down and even with numerous repairs for the same engine problem keep occurring, it may be Gremlins messing with you. To get rid of Gremlin's in your house, leave a fresh glass or bowl of milk outside your door for three days, even if you live where there are many pets and other animals about, they will leave it for the Gremlin's. The milk will still be at your door step at the end of the three days, but the Gremlins will be gone, and your car will run again, according to Storr.

If you believe in big foot, or a colony of  Sasquatches, they sometimes appear along side of a two lane highway or in the woods of Revelstoke Canada.

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