Monday, August 8, 2016

My Farewell Words, For Now, Can't Write When Your Dead

Caught in the triangle of politics, religion, science and superstition, aware of so many things, uncertain about everything.

A soaring spirit hurling through a tunnel of stars on a life long journey into the unknown.
Time limits the flesh and all its possessions. The uncool learn to detach and dream of a universe fit for them, one that embraces creativity and welcomes the wacky. The currency of laughter exists beyond Earth's insanity. Death's dreams seem more delightful than life's nightmares of famine, violent crime, poverty and greed.

At the dusk of middle age, dying is indeed easy, comedy is hard. Toward the end, I tried to do some good things such as donating blood, plasma, platelets and red blood cells for those physically less fortunate then myself.

Thus far, thank all the powers that be, myself, Eddie and Linda still inhabit the Earth. Besides myself, Eddie and Linda, both older then me are the last of the Schurr direct blood line. The countdown to Schurr extinction is well underway in the grand scheme of things. Why neither my brother Eddie or sister Linda had children is beyond me. Eddie and Linda, unlike myself are both successful, married and socially well adjusted.  

After my ashes have been dispensed into the frequent wavy waters of any ocean, (hint, hint!) reveal in the company of good friends and family and laugh long and often. Be as creative as possible. Remember, creativity is limited only to ones imagination.

Be creative in the kitchen when preparing and cooking a meal, continue to engage in happy hobbies, explore new ones. Realize art dwells in countless forms; writing, photography, hunting, gardening, cooking, sewing, drawing, painting and countless other things.

Before it's your time, travel a lot, even if it's to the same place every year. If you ever think about me when I'm gone, just remember in my world, ball games and barbecues will be the norm as I dwell in eternal youth under the stars and on the sands overlooking fabulous foliage and water falls with my lady, a true woman, passion pure, primitive lure.

My lady and I will argue about which parents we visit on Thanksgiving and Christmas while our five preschool aged daughters dominate on the basketball court and on stage acting and playing music. Yes, all five of my daughters will be adept at theater arts, writing and playing musical instruments.

Hours after the sun has set, our daughters are asleep and I've read another book, my luscious lover garbed in sexy sleep wear will enter our sleeping den. Seconds later our youngest daughter, the only one in paradise who has nightmares will insist on sleeping with us. Soon after I've left the bed, my wife and my daughter will be sound asleep side by side while I find a cold patch of the ocean to dive into while the starlit moon surrounded by transparent clouds smiles down on me.

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