Tuesday, May 31, 2016

"Risen," and "Zoolander 2," Worthy of Watching?

"Risen," or a more appropriate title, "Rotten," is a great flick if your having trouble sleeping.

From beginning to end, "Risen" was a snooze fest. Released for home viewing on the 24th, the screen writers Kevin Reynolds and Paul Aillo never had a clear direction as to whether they wanted the Romans to be villains or heroes. All good stories need quote / unquote hero's and villains, and this movie  had no real enemies or people to root for despite the timeless subject matter of God and man.

The Christian faith dictates that Jesus rose from the dead on the third day of his crucifixion and the faithless claim his body was simply stolen from his tomb to sway more people into following the Christian faith.

A Roman soldier Clavius (Joseph Fiennes) is sent out by his leaders to find the corpse of Jesus portrayed by Cliff Curtis. "Risen" has a simple plot, if Clavius can find the dead body of Jesus, the Romans can show first hand to the Christians that their faith is wrong. The Romans felt it dangerous to their culture if too many people believed or adhered to the Christian doctrine that the Son of God is real and not a myth.

Clavius and his Roman crew were not mean enough to the Christians or the Roman soldiers who were guarding the body of Jesus after his execution. When questioning these people who might have know what exactly happened to the body of Jesus after the third day, Clavius a his counterparts simply didn't have that stereotyped Roman meanness needed for this particular movie.

In the end, the writers side with Jesus, but their case for Christianity was weak as was the case against it, "Risen" was quite simply boring for both the believers and non believers, a merger half star for this lame flick.

"Zoolander 2" is the 15-year-old sequel to the first "Zoolander" which was a 4.5 start comedy classic.
Also released for home viewing on the 24th, "Zoolander 2" should have been title "Boolander 2." Ben Stiller was one of the four screenwriters for this movie, which I would not want credit for and he also returns as the model Derek Zoolander.

Owen Wilson also returns as Hansel, Christine Taylor as Matilda and Will Ferrell as the villainous  Jacobim Mugatu. I never got to see Ferrell's performance in this lame flick, because I turned off the movie at about the 40 minute mark.

"Zoolander 2" is a comedy, and it's not at all funny. I didn't smile once more than a half hour into it, so a 0 star rating for this complete waste of a time movie that should have never been made.            

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