Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Wake Up America, ISIS is No More Evil Then the U.S. or Any Other World Power

                                                                  Photo from the book "Vietnam A History The First Complete Account of Vietnam at War" by Stanley Karnow)

Be headings, burning bodies and the other ways of brutal killings of innocent civilians by ISIS is wrong and evil in every sensible explanation, but why ISIS kills is understandable. For those of us who comprehend history, the Native American icon Geronimo and his immediate followers killed many white women and children they came across because the whites were doing the same to his race first.

If you analyze the news and think for yourself you'd realize our government (U.S.) is full of lies and you'd know war is 100 percent about big money. Government manipulates the young into unnecessary wars. 

Might makes right is the philosophy of all world powers and were lucky to be on the mighty side, but it's extremely disturbing how the men in high places don't want to make changes for the better.

Generals gathered in their masses, just like witches at black masses. (Black Sabbath, 60s) Photo from the book "Eyewitness D-Day"

For the soldiers in the trenches of war such as the raping of young girls, witnessing civilians deaths by U.S. drones and brain washed ground troops, having a conscience while in the very center of war can be a mind twang.

'To eliminate your enemy, hit them in your sleep, and when all is won and lost, the spoils of war are yours to keep.' (Megadeth, from their 1992 album "Countdown to Extinction.")

"Vietnam A History..."

As a young boy growing up Russians were the evil ones and should be feared at all cost, even if it meant killing a Russian baby with a butter knife. Now our government is telling us it's the North Koreans who are evil.

YouTube 5-year-old North Korean girl playing guitar. ('s) It's amazing playing and illustrates that North Koreans cannot be all evil as the U.S. government wants it's citizens to believe. One day we might go to war with North Korea when the Middle Eastern fiasco of unwarranted death is over, if will ever be over.

High-tech souls who build and sell sophisticated weapons to governments across the globe are just some of the one percent who make millions if not billions from war.

War is propaganda started by the very rich and powerful so world leaders can send other peoples children to die so we can drive our gas guzzlers to work and par take in other abominations in our short lives.

"Eyewitness D-Day"

According to Wikipedia and I believe it, more than 77 percent of the deaths in the Iraq war were civilians. Other sources claim it was 90 percent. Also, for every U.S. drone strike, ten Middle Eastern civilians are killed for every one militant against the U.S.

World leaders can send other peoples children to die so we can drive our gas guzzlers to work and par take in other abominations in our short lives.

"Vietnam A history..."

Granted what ISIS is doing is horrid, but the U.S. bombing that continue in the Middle East as I type and the mass murder, bombing of Japanese civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August of 1945 killed 130,000 people.

Love and laughter is constantly shadowed by death and destruction. Greed and corruptive power throughout the entire human history has always defeated peace and harmony.

Wars is almost as old as time itself. The men who hold high places know how to beguile youngsters into war. As of November 2013 more than 900,000 U.S. troops have been injured in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. More than 1400 of those have lost limbs and to date, 6, 845 U.S. casualties, many of them were 18 and 19-year-olds.

"Eyewitness D-Day." Each of these bombs was 500 pounds. More than 1500 tons of explosives were dropped in Europe this moment.

In my life time alone more than 60,000 U.S. military personal have been killed in wars dating back to the Vietnam war. Incidentally the average age of American soldiers killed in Vietnam was 19.

'Rejoice 0 young man in your youth...' The Bible; Ecclesiastes 11; 9.

I'm certain that before I die, the U.S. and North Korea will go to war. Why not, both sides with men in high places will make billions, and it won't be their children being sent to murder and or die in war.

U.S. soldiers in World War II "Eyewitness D-Day"

The following quote is much better with Sean Penn doing the voice over from the documentary "War Made Easy."

"In real time officials have explained military operations to the American people by withholding 'crucial' information about the actual reasons and potential cost of military action. Again and again choosing to present an easier version of wars reality, a steady and remarkably consistent story- line, designed 'not' to inform, but to generate and maintain support and enthusiasm for war."

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