These five amazing musicians, little girls and their ability to write, sing and perform music brilliantly have made all the Gods, past and present question their own abilities and powers.
My blog site is very unfriendly to script formatting, I could not even use the tab key to properly format the screen play structure.
Script quick notes for those who don't know script structure;
A dose of Script Schurr:
In the dark recesses of shrubbery and well foliaged trees on each side of the narrow gravel road is the path leading to 2112 Oracle Way, located in a small suburban town somewhere in Hawaii. It's the year 2112.
The government is now known as The Roolurs. Rock 'N' Roll music, although not outlawed is extremely regulated and not allowed to be heard by anyone under the age of 25. Violators have been put in prison for life, even legally executed by the Roolurs.
Mark Schurr is driving a well kept 70s van down the gravel road. The southern sun is in the beginning of it's decent to the other side of the world. The hue of the vast sun cascades across the seemingly endless branches of the trees and bushes emitting a wondrous sight of shadows and light amidst the path of the nearby brook.
(to Mark)
Can we take off our seat belts now?
The government is now known as The Roolurs. Rock 'N' Roll music, although not outlawed is extremely regulated and not allowed to be heard by anyone under the age of 25. Violators have been put in prison for life, even legally executed by the Roolurs.
Mark Schurr is driving a well kept 70s van down the gravel road. The southern sun is in the beginning of it's decent to the other side of the world. The hue of the vast sun cascades across the seemingly endless branches of the trees and bushes emitting a wondrous sight of shadows and light amidst the path of the nearby brook.
(to Mark)
Can we take off our seat belts now?
Sure, go ahead.
Sure, go ahead.
Kayla, 5-years-old and four other little girls who are three to 5-years-old take off their seat belts and within seconds, Kayla brandishes an acoustic guitar and immediate strums away. Her tune is very catchy, especially when the other three girls start singing. For any aged musicians, Kayla and her four band mates are arguably the best rock 'n' roll band in the universe.
Mark's basement is cluttered with musical and photography paraphernalia, complete with all the instruments and equipment needed for a small rock 'n' band to perform and make quality videos, both audibly and visually.
Although cluttered, the basement is neatly organized. Various pictures of Laurel and Hardy, a sea of Rush photos and a unique array of vinyl album covers dwell on the walls along with some Power Puff Girls and Dora posters, courtesy of Kayla, Yalin, Ashley, Lauren and Temickra.
Although cluttered, the basement is neatly organized. Various pictures of Laurel and Hardy, a sea of Rush photos and a unique array of vinyl album covers dwell on the walls along with some Power Puff Girls and Dora posters, courtesy of Kayla, Yalin, Ashley, Lauren and Temickra.
(looking up from his lap)
(looking up from his lap)
I've got a few more songs I need to finish the lyrics for,
so you all just go ahead and start practicing. I'll really
be glad when you girls are old enough to read and write.
If you want to record any of the music your doing, the
sound system is all connected and ready to go.
(Pointing left)
The tripod to the video camera is over there.
(very serious)
If you girls want to stop playing music and want me
to destroy all the songs I've recorded so far, I'm OK
with that, after all, I'm a felon on the run, and if the Roolurs knew we were making and documenting rock 'n' roll music, I'd
be executed for sure, and all you girls will have all your musical gear taken away and sent to live with extreme conservatives, maybe even Christian zealots until your 18-years-old and that's the best case scenario. The Roolurs may even have you girls killed for playing rock 'n' roll music.
The whole time Mark was talking, Ashley was writing music literally in thin air. She is using a hologram device and moving musical notes meticulously in a concentrated order. When Mark is done talking, she taps the hologram device once which is harbored on her lap. The musical notes are no longer in the air and saved into the hologram device.
Temickra is watching footage of some of their music already recorded with her head phones on.
so you all just go ahead and start practicing. I'll really
be glad when you girls are old enough to read and write.
If you want to record any of the music your doing, the
sound system is all connected and ready to go.
(Pointing left)
The tripod to the video camera is over there.
(very serious)
If you girls want to stop playing music and want me
to destroy all the songs I've recorded so far, I'm OK
with that, after all, I'm a felon on the run, and if the Roolurs knew we were making and documenting rock 'n' roll music, I'd
be executed for sure, and all you girls will have all your musical gear taken away and sent to live with extreme conservatives, maybe even Christian zealots until your 18-years-old and that's the best case scenario. The Roolurs may even have you girls killed for playing rock 'n' roll music.
The whole time Mark was talking, Ashley was writing music literally in thin air. She is using a hologram device and moving musical notes meticulously in a concentrated order. When Mark is done talking, she taps the hologram device once which is harbored on her lap. The musical notes are no longer in the air and saved into the hologram device.
Temickra is watching footage of some of their music already recorded with her head phones on.
(to Mark)
That's right, we could all be killed because of you.
You know what, I don't care, because If we were forced
to stop playing music forever, what would be the point in living, so thank you Mark for letting us play music.
If I could live forever and was not allowed or able to play
or write music I'd want to be dead.
(to Mark)
That's right, we could all be killed because of you.
You know what, I don't care, because If we were forced
to stop playing music forever, what would be the point in living, so thank you Mark for letting us play music.
If I could live forever and was not allowed or able to play
or write music I'd want to be dead.
Temickra is laughing hysterically. Her laughter is extremely loud which causes Mark and the rest of the girls to look toward her.
Temickra is wearing headphones and watching a video of herself and the rest of the girls playing music. She pauses the video and turns toward Mark and her band chums.
Temickra is wearing headphones and watching a video of herself and the rest of the girls playing music. She pauses the video and turns toward Mark and her band chums.
(takes off headphone; puts them down)
(laughing voice)
Look at Kayla's face while she's playing leads
(takes off headphone; puts them down)
(laughing voice)
Look at Kayla's face while she's playing leads
on the song I wrote, "Acquired Freedom."
Mark, Kayla, Ashley, and Yalin look at the paused TV screen of Kayla's face and laugh out loud.
Mark, Kayla, Ashley, and Yalin look at the paused TV screen of Kayla's face and laugh out loud.
David Gilmour at his best day couldn't play that
lead without a whammy bar, nor anyone else
for that matter, I had to really concentrate to hit those
Suddenly a loud knock is heard by Mark and the girls. Mark and the girls look toward the noise of the knock with the shear concern on their faces.
David Gilmour at his best day couldn't play that
lead without a whammy bar, nor anyone else
for that matter, I had to really concentrate to hit those
Suddenly a loud knock is heard by Mark and the girls. Mark and the girls look toward the noise of the knock with the shear concern on their faces.
(Scared and demanding)
I'll go upstairs and answer the door. Go to the hiding
spot now!
Another loud knock is heard by Mark and the girls.
(Scared and demanding)
I'll go upstairs and answer the door. Go to the hiding
spot now!
Another loud knock is heard by Mark and the girls.
The front door is smashed open and footsteps race across the basement ceiling.
The basement door at the top of the stairs opens, It's several heavily armed Roolurs.
The basement door at the top of the stairs opens, It's several heavily armed Roolurs.
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