Mass murder of children, physical, mental abuse, rape and the over all act of dehumanizing men, women and children are the norms of baleful U.S. law enforcers and its military these days.
Intriguing how young white unarmed people are not brutally shot and killed by police in the U.S. The latest fatality fiasco happened to the unarmed black 18-year-old, Michael Brown in St. Louis on Aug. 9. The New York Times stated white police officer, Darren Wilson killed Brown because of a 'confrontation.'
To me a confrontation is going on a date with a women and wanting to take her to the landfill to shoot rats, while she'd rather go to a (c) rap concert. A cop shooting an unarmed person six times, twice in the head for allegedly stealing a box of cigarettes from a convince store seems a extremely excessive to me. (
In my home town of Santa Rosa, 13-year-old Andy Lopez, armed with a replica pellet AK-47 rifle was shot at eight times, hit by seven of a Sonoma County sheriff's bullets, (
Three of the seven bullets that penetrated Lopez's innocuous body were to his back side. Three shots to the back from a 24-year on duty sheriff at a 13-year-old boy with a toy gun!? (
Sheriff Erick Gelhaus, Lopez's killer is back on duty ( and proves injustice reigns too often. Whether or not Brown and Lopez were killed by Ku Klux Klan level racists with badges, the facts remain, both victims were unarmed, nor killers, and fatally shot too many times.
In the world of U.S. immigration officials, many of them rape young children and use medieval forms of torture while the border crossers are being detained. In March, U.S. Border Patrol Agent, Esteban Manzanares, 32 raped three Honduran women and two 14-year-old girls while on duty.
Manzanares apparently tied up and gagged a 14-year-old girl and left her in his apartment while he returned to work to finish his shift. When he returned from work, Manzanares allegedly raped and assaulted the undocumented 14 year old Honduran girl in his apartment and later committed suicide by gunshot. ( Police said he did have the girl tied up for hours and raped her. (
This is just one of many incidents of nefarious power abuses by U.S. border patrol agents that hovers low on the real news radar. In another documented case, more than 80 percent of immigrants held in custody did not receive enough food or water.
"Immigrant Children Raped, Punched, Kicked in Border Patrol Custody: Complaint," a June article written by R. Stickney and Matt Rascon details a lot of disturbing facts about the U.S. border patrol practices. (
Stickney and Rascon's article states most of the heinous crimes against the southern country border crossers were children between the ages of five and 17-years-old. A 13-year-old boy was raped by two U.S. border patrol agents. I'm willing to bet the two demented rapists are still on duty. Power is in the hands of the wrong souls is beyond horrifying. On a regular basis, young children are held captive with only toilet water to drink and frozen sandwich's to eat. Why evil exists, is the billion dollar question.
Now the latest about the U.S. military immoral mass killings of children and our nations quest for vengeance, though we started the fight. The latest beheading of American journalist's James Foley and Steven Sotloff by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, while tragic and evil, it's simply ISIS retaliation for U.S. drone attacks which have killed countless Middle Eastern women and children.
First and foremost, my utmost condolences to the parents, family and friends of Foley and Sotloff. Thank all the powers that be I'll never lose a child, but the death of someone close to anyone in the prime of their life is indeed an emotional whirlwind of tragic chaos. Parents and friends can wish and achieve revenge for Foley and Sotloff all they want, but for the rest of us who didn't know Foley and Sotloff, war is not the answer!
With the above being said, I understand why ISIS is murdering and documenting their vicious be headings of U.S. citizen's, though I don't condone it. Two Evils don't equal harmony.
U.S. drones are killing Middle Eastern women and children by the tens of thousands in my mind, thou our government does a fantastic job of covering up their mass murders, just as they do with the torture and rape of immigrant children.
In one documented incident, 600 innocent Middle Eastern people were blown up by our drones, 176 of them were children. ( If another country was bombing the U.S. daily, and many of the bombs were pulverizing schools, homes and obliterating women and children by the dozens simply because they wanted cheaper oil, I would be an avid enemy of that country myself.
The U.S. leaders, the one percent with all the power and insane amounts of money are invading the Middle East solely for oil, because it's where billions of dollars await to burst their wallets and never ending greed.
The U.N. states that 400 Middle Eastern innocent citizens were killed by our drones in 2013. ( Of all the research I've done about our country's drone strikes, many articles attests that the true numbers of Iraqi and other Middle Eastern women, children and other of their civilians blown up and killed by our military is completely unknown to us.
Currently more than 6,829 U.S. soldiers have been killed in the war since it began in 2003. ( President Barack Obama and the many U.S. senators are not sending their children to die, so why shouldn't they fill up their wallets and take another conscienceless vacation.
Each and every drone strike by the U.S. which is happening daily creates more and more U.S. enemies and I fully understand it. How powerful is Rome now? Greece?, web address of the below photo.
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