Monday, June 10, 2013

The Short Novel "Angel Baby" is a Fast Enticing Read.

"Angel baby" is a heavenly read which sends the senses into a state of fear, anger, love, lust and greed harboring a four star rating.
At a mere 288 pages this heartfelt gangster novel is a fast and highly gripping read. Award winning author Richard Lange immediately arouses the reader’s curiosity and doesn't put it to rest until the very last page. Right from the start, Luz, the main character in the May release of "Angel Baby" try’s fleeing from her husband Rolando on foot in Tijuana, Mexico half naked and beaten.
Luz's attempt is futile. Rolando, known as El Principe is a major player in a drug cartel who rapes and beats her. Luz simply wants to escape from El Principe, flee to the United States and get back to her preschool aged daughter Isabel.
Luz meticulously plots an elaborate escape from El Principe for a year, and when she is rid of her sadistic husband more conflicts arise, especially when El Principe finds out that Luz has a daughter from her first husband.
 Even more tension mount when El Principe hires Jeronimo to find Luz and bring her back to him.
Jeronimo has been a gang banger all his life, in and out of prison and wants out of the gang life for good, and live with his wife Irma and their two children in San Diego or Los Angeles. El Principe motivates Jeronimo to find Luz by kidnaping Irma and their two children. Jeronimo's only way to save his wife and kids is to ruin Luz's life forever.
The start of the stories climax begins when Jeronimo and a thug named Hacker kidnap 4-year-old Isabel, Luz's daughter, so they can lure Luz to them.
"Angel Baby" latches onto the reader’s consciousness and doesn't release it until the very last sentence.  


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