Monday, July 17, 2023

The Caressing Ambience of the Camera's Eye

To crest the waves of insanity while soaring through the shores of serenity. 
At long last my mind is keen and my thoughts are clear. Decades have passed since my last hit of LSD, and nearly a half a decade since imbibing alcohol. 
The trendiness of unfriendliness has ignited my desire for solitude. The sweet sensation of the written  word dissolves unreciprocated smiles. Shafts of moon light on the sands of the seas reaches into the mystic vapors of imagination. It threads the fabrics of fantasy and fact into a blissfully bizarre realm of love and laughter.   
My camera's eye harbors hope, joy and inspiration. Amidst the shores of Medicine Lake, I snapped these pictures. 

The caressing ambience of inner space, where time has no meaning, and the savage ignorance of humankind is washed away in the waters of eternity, and I admired the allure of campsite 66, the two pictures below. This campsite was the gateway to the entire shores of Medicine Lake. 

Sunday, the 9th, the American bald eagle graced its presence in the eyes of my Sony DSL camera. I captured a cool shot of a bald eagle, yet I cannot get a volleyball pancake on camera, but the season starts again soon, as does youth basketball. 
Local volleyball and basketball are my two favorite live sporting events these days, and it's not easy for me to get a perfectly focused action shot, as you can see, but I like some of my Schurr Shots. 

They weren't beautiful until they smiled, and I felt that smile, and the soothing sensation of bliss dominated my soul because of these three hitchhikers in Oregon last month. Below, the Aftershock competing in Sacramento in March. 

Mark Izzy Schurr 

Jaiden got ups. 

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Another Modern Moron Book Review

Hoka-he, it's a good day to die, kill them all, (whites) Crazy Horse said to his Oglala warriors before a battle in the Black Hills War.

Several U.S. Cavalry soldiers including General George Armstrong Custer and Captain William Judd Fetterman were pulverized battling Cheyenne and Sioux warriors. 

The U.S. Army lost every battle during an entire summer in the Black Hills War. Custer's dead body was left nude with an arrow in his groin in Little Bighorn. Captain Fetterman's throat was slit by American Horse, and all 80 of Fetterman's soldiers were slain by the native American warriors, thus learning in battle; the Indian's were not lazy savages, they rode horses better, shot better and outnumbered the U.S. Cavalry in the Black Hills War.

The Native American's were here 100s if not 1,000s of years before the white man came and fucked everything up with power and money for the sadistic few. Killing babies, raping Indian women and breaking treaties because of gold, oil and / or lavish lands. 

On Nov., 29, 1864, before the Black Hill war, more than 100 Indian women and children were brutally slain by 700 soldiers from the Third Colorado Cavalry under the command of Colonel John M. Chivington. Reproductive organs from Cheyenne and Arapaho women were used to decorate the saddles of the Bloody Third's horses and some of the children's heads were severed.

"The massacre lasted six or eight hours. I tell you Ned, it was hard to see little children on their knees and have their brains beat out by men professing to be civilized. They were all scalped and horribly mutilated. You could think it impossible for white men to butcher and mutilate human beings as they did. Every word I have told you is the truth and this they do not deny. I expect we will have a hell of time with the Indians this winter," a U.S. officer wrote in a letter to a fellow solider.

June 25, 1876, the Battle of the Little Bighorn, Crazy Horse and his Cheyenne warriors along with Sitting Bull and his Sioux sensation attacked General Custer and his 210 cavalry troops, killing every single one of them. Fleeing U.S. soldiers 100s of yards away from the battle grounds and waving white flags were still slain. General Custer was 36-years-old, the same age as Crazy Horse. 

In April of 1877, Crazy Horse surrenders, and that was the year the Indians were no longer a serious threat to whitey. By 1883, Sitting Bull is fully subdued by the Army and touring America with show business entrepreneur William Cody, aka Buffalo Bill. Little Annie Oakley, five-feet tall becomes friends with Sitting Bull while touring with him. Sitting Bull names her Little Sure Shot and that remained her show business name. 

"Killing Crazy Horse the Merciless Indian Wars in America" was released in 2020 and written by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard. A very solid four and a half star read I acquired from the Sonoma County library. I merely scratched the surface talking about this fantastic history book. This book details how both the Indians and whites were nefarious. 

Mark Izzy Schurr