Tuesday, June 16, 2020


Mukti, the spiritual liberation of choice. Thou my life is almost over, the only thing I fear is the emotions of hate in my heart.
A positive force in cosmic stability has cured my hatred for religion. Saravati is another goddess I adore, for she is the awakener of happy and noble thoughts.
Mark Izzy Schurr
The above picture was Schurr Shot last year at Palomarin beach in Marin county.

Monday, June 15, 2020


 Innocent eyes breed love and laughter. They harness wisdom and dispense imagination. Youths unfiltered emotions dwell in the adams of eternity,

Mark Izzy Schurr

Friday, June 12, 2020

Hindu Haven

The divine sword of justice lies amidst the far reaches of the cosmos. Durga’s sacred weapon of wonder lies hidden in the cosmic regions of destiny. True law and order have yet to be born, hence all the chaos and divide amongst us all.

Innumerable forms and an infinite variety of beliefs will one day breath live into wisdom and unite the kindly souls. Durga, the warrior goddess will annihilate devious demons and abolish all the emotions of greed and narcissism.  

Mark Izzy Schurr

“Beauty, Power & Grace; The Book of Hindu Goddesses” by Krishna Dharma and David Kinsley’s book, “Hindu Goddesses; Visions the Divine Feminine in the Hindu Religious Tradition” have unraveled an infinite array of word combinations that has sparked my imagination.

I no longer care no one understands me, nor that I have no real friends. I have no one to talk to and to share my emotions. Without the written word, I’d be completely lost and have no way of venting my joys and sorrows.

I have only acquaintances, some close, most just distance laughs and smiles. When someone wants to be around me, its’s always a surprise to me these days, and when people tell me things, or make plans, I tend to ignore them, because the last couple of years, when people make plans with me, they always cancel, so I understand, I am all alone.   

My great acting skills produce the façade of happiness, yet Hindu philosophy instills in me, there is no time for self-pity, so I embrace my creativity with photography and writing the occasional blog.

Mark Izzy Schurr